Yukari Shirota (Dr. Sc., Ms.) (Professor, Faculty of Economics, Gakushuin University)

Research Field

	1989 	Received Dr. Sc., from the Department of Information Science,
		 Faculty of Science, the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.	
	2002-present	Professor, Faculty of Economics, Gakushuin University, Tokyo
	2001-2002	Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, Gakushuin University, Tokyo
	1989-2001	Researcher, Software Research Laboratory of a private enterprise, Tokyo

Current Interests

(1) After the earthquake disaster in Japan, my most interests are to visualize and keep a record of what happened in Japanese economics fields owing to the quake. Using twitter data, we would like to visualize these things so that even children could understand what happened.
(2) In my classes of business mathematics, deduction process graphs are used. The graphs are drawn by our developed tool called Solution Plan Graph Generator with the formula database.
(3) Concerning multi-cultural research, we have started a joint research with a female professor of Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. This research purpose is to spot the differences between Thailand persons and Japanese persons on SNS messages concerning the assistance for reconstruction of Japan.(I am grateful as one Japanese for people in Thailand who were actively engaged in the assistance for reconstruction of Japan.)
(4)In Jan. 2012, we will publish an e-Book of finance mathematics from O'Reilley Japan. The feature of the e-Book is that many Mathematics CDF graphics are available so that readers can move the 3-D graphics with the free software "Wolfram CDF player".


I began my research career as a computer scientist in 1983. As a PhD candidate at the University of Tokyo, I read the following paper with a video presentation at the SIGGRAPH’85 conference:
Perspective computer graphics in Europe and Japan (panel session)
Jose Encarnacao, Tosiyasu L. Kunii, Bertram Herzog, Frank Lillehagen, Xavier Nicolas, 
Yukari Shirota, Wolfgang Strasser, Shunichiro Tsurumi, Takao Wachi,
July 1985 ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics, Proceedings of the 12th annual conference 
on Computer graphics and interactive techniques, Volume 19 Issue 3
As this shows, I have been researching this field for a long time.

Institute Activities


Selected Papers

See also