Hisashi Okamoto's publications
Last update: 21 February, 2025
Research Papers
- On the
semi-discrete finite element approximation for the nonstationary Stokes
equation, J.
Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, Sec. IA, vol. 29 (1982), pp. 241--260.
- On the
semi-discrete finite element approximation for the nonstationary
Navier-Stokes equation, J.
Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, Sec. IA, vol. 29 (1982), pp. 613--652.
- On the
equation of motion of stratified fluid motion: Uniqueness and existence of
the solutions, J.
Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, Sec. IA, vol. 30 (1984), pp. 615--643.
- A stationary free boundary
problem for a circular flow with or without surface tension, Proc.
Japan Acad. Ser. A, vol. 58 (1982), 422--424.
- Bifurcation
phenomena in a free boundary problem for a circulating flow with surface
tension, Math.
Meth. Appl. Sci., vol. 6 (1984), pp. 215--233.
- A
generalization of Liapunov's theorem concerning
a mass of fluid with self-gravitation Proc. Japan Acad.
Ser. A, vol. 60 (1984), pp. 4--7.
- (with H.
Fujita and M. Shoji), A numerical approach to a free boundary problem of a
circulating perfect fluid, Japan
J. Appl. Math., vol. 2 (1985), pp. 197--210.
- Nonstationary
free boundary problem for perfect fluid with surface tension, J.
Math. Soc. Japan, vol. 38 (1986), pp. 381--401.
- (with Y.
Kimura), Vortex motion on a sphere, J. Phys. Soc.
Japan, vol. 56 (1987), pp. 4203--4206.
- Applications
of the Fourier transform to the boundary element method, J.
Fac. Sci., Univ. of Tokyo, Sect. IA, vol. 35 (1988), pp. 345--362.
- (with M. Katsurada), A mathematical study of the charge
simulation method I, J.
Fac. Sci., Univ. of Tokyo, Sect. IA, vol. 35 (1988), pp. 507--518.
- O(2)-equivariant Bifurcation
equations of mode (1,2), Sci.
Papers of Coll. Arts and Sci., Univ. Tokyo, vol. 39 (1989), pp. 1--43.
- On the
problem of water waves of permanent configuration, Nonlinear
Anal., Theory, Meth. and Appl., vol. 14 (1990), pp. 469--481.
- (with S.J.
Tavener), Degenerate O(2)-equivariant
bifurcation equations and their application to the Taylor problem, Japan J.
Indust. Appl. Math., vol. 8 (1991), pp. 245--273.
- An
algorithm for computing a nondegenerate hysteresis point, Publ.
R.I.M.S., vol. 27 (1991), pp. 837--843.
- A
uniqueness theorem for the unbounded classical solution of the
nonstationary Navier-Stokes equations in R^3, J.
Math. Anal. Appl., vol. 181 (1994), pp. 473--482.
- (with M. Shōji), Bifurcation diagrams in Kolmogorov's problem
of viscous incompressible fluid on 2-D Tori, Japan J. Indus.
Appl. Math., vol. 10 (1993), pp. 191--218.
- A
variational problem arising in the two dimensional Navier-Stokes equations
with vanishing viscosity, Appl.
Math. Lett., vol. 7 (1994), pp. 29--33.
- (with M. Shōji), Remarks
on the bifurcation of progressive waves of finite depth, Publ.
R.I.M.S., vol. 30 (1994), pp. 611--640.
- ( with and
M. Shōji ), Two
Dimensional, Periodic, Capillary-Gravity Waves With Negative Surface
Tension, Proc. IUTAM Conf. Structure and Dynamics of Nonlinbear Waves in Fluids, Eds. K. Kirchg\"assner and A.
Mielke, World Scientific, (1995), pp. 363--369.
- Axisymmetric
stagnation flow converging obliquely on a cylinder, J. Phys. Soc.
Japan, vol. 64 (1995), pp. 2714--2717.
- (with M. Katsurada), On the collocation points of the
fundamental solution method for the potential problem, Int.
J. Comp. Math. Appl., vol. 31 (1996), pp. 123--137.
- (with M. Shōji), Secondary and tertiary bifurcations of
capillary gravity waves, Adv. Math. Sci. Appl., vol. 6 (1996), pp.
- (with T. Sakajo), Numerical computation of vortex sheet roll-up
in the background shear flow, Fluid
Dynam. Res., vol. 17 (1996), pp. 195--212.
- (with M. Shōji), The resonance of modes in the problem of
capillary gravity waves, Physica
D, vol. 95 (1996) pp. 336--350.
- Nearly singular
two-dimensional Kolmogorov flows for large Reynolds number, J.
Dynamics and Diff. Eqns., vol. 8 (1996), pp. 203--220.
- Interfacial
progressive water waves: a singularity theoretic view, Tohoku
Math. J. vol. 49 (1997), pp. 33--57.
- Exact solutions
of the Navier-Stokes equations via Leray's method, Japan J. Indus.
Appl. Math., , vol. 14 (1997), pp. 169--197.
- (with H.
Fujita and H. Moriomoto), Stability analysis of
Navier-Stokes flows in annuli, Math.
Meth. Appl. Sci., vol. 20 (1997), pp. 959--978.
- (with T. Sakajo), An application
of Draghicescu's fast summation method to vortex sheet Motion, J.
Phys. Soc. Japan, vol. 67 (1998), pp. 462--470.
- A
study of bifurcation of Kolmogorov flows with an emphasis on the singular
limit, Proc. Int. Congress Math., vol. III, (1998), pp. 523-532. a
compilation in 2015
- (with J.
Zhu) Some
similarity solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations and related topics, Taiwanese
J. Math., vol. 4 (2000), pp. 65--103, ps file,
1.05 MB after gziped. Downloadable at Taiwanese
J. Math.
- ( with X.
Chen) Global
Existence of Solutions to the Proudman--Johnson Equation, Proc. Japan
Acad., vol. 76 (2000), pp. 149--152. 324KB
- (with H.
Ikeda and M. Mimura) A
singular perturbation problem arising in Oseen's spiral flows, Japan
J. Indust. Appl. Math., vol. 18 (2001), pp.
- Craik,
A.D.D., Okamoto, & H. Allen, H.R., Second-Harmonic
Resonance with Parametric Excitation and Damping, in ``Fluid Mechanics
and the Environment: Dynamical Approaches". Lecture Notes in Physics
\# 566, ed. J.L. Lumley. Springer Verlag, (2001), pp. 63--89.
- (with M.
Nagayama) On the
interior layer appearing in the similarity solutions of the Navier-Stokes
equations (622KB after gzip ) Japan J. Indust.
Appl. Math., vol. 19 (2002), pp. 277--300.
- (with A.
D. D. Craik) A
three-dimensional autonomous system with unbounded `bending' solutions,
Physica D, vol. 164, (2002), pp. 168--186
- (with M.
Nagayama and J. Zhu) On
the blow-up of some similarity solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations, pdf
file 584KB. Quader. di Mat. vol. 10 (2003), pp.
- Xinfu Chen and H. Okamoto,
Global Existence of Solutions to the generalized Proudman--Johnson
Equation, Proc.
Japan Acad., vol. 78 (2002), pp. 136--139.
- K.
Kobayashi, H. Okamoto, and J. Zhu, Numerical
computation of water and solitary waves by the double exponential
transform, J. Comp. Appl. Math., vol. 152 (2003), pp. 229--241.
- S.-C. Kim
and H. Okamoto, Bifurcations and inviscid limit of rhombic Navier-Stokes
flows in tori, IMA J. Appl.
Math., vol. 68 (2003), 119--134.
- Xinfu Chen and H. Okamoto, A Blow-up
problem related to the Euler equations of incompressible inviscid fluid
motion , J. Math. Sci., Univ. Tokyo, vol. 10 (2003), pp373--389
- H. Ikeda,
K. Kondo, H. Okamoto and S. Yotsutani, On the
global branches of the solutions to a nonlocal boundary-value problem
arising in Oseen's spiral flows, Commun. Pure Appl. Anal. ,
vol. 2 (2003) 373--382.
- K.-I.
Nakamura, H. Okamoto, H. Yagisita, Blow-up
solutions appearing in the vorticity dynamics with linear strain, J.
Math. Fluid Mech., vol. 6 (2004), pp. 157--168.
- Uniqueness of
Crapper's pure capillary waves of permanent shape, J. Math. Sci.,
Univ. Tokyo., vol. 12 (2005), 67--75.
- A
remark on continuous, nowhere differentiable functions, Proc. Japan
Acad., vol. 81 (2005), 47--50.
- (with K. Ohkitani), On the role of
the convection term in the equations of motion of incompressible fluid,
J. Phys. Soc. Japan, vol.
74 (2005), 2737--2742.
- (with Sun-Chul Kim), Uniqueness of the exact solutions of the
Navier-Stokes equations having null nonlinearity, Proc.
R. Soc. Edinburgh, vol. 136 A (2006), 1303--1315.
- C.-H. Cho,
S. Hamada, and H. Okamoto, On
the finite difference approximation for a parabolic blow-up problem, Japan
J. Indut. Appl. Math., vol. 24 (2007), 131--160.
- H. Okamoto
and M. Wunsch, A
geometric construction of continuous, strictly increasing singular
functions, Proc. Japan Acad., Ser. A, vol. 83 (2007) 114--118.
- C.-H. Cho
and H. Okamoto, Further
remarks on asymptotic behavior of the numerical solutions of parabolic
blow-up problem, Meth. Appl. Anal., vol. 14 (2007), 213--226.
- H.
Okamoto, T. Sakajo, and M. Wunsch, On
a generalization of the Constantin-Lax-Majda equation, Nonlinearity,
VOL. 21 (2008) 2447--2461.
- H.
Okamoto, Well-posedness
of the generalized Proudman-Johnson equation without viscosity, J.
Math. Fluid Mech. vol. 11 (2009), 46--59.
- Mayumi
Shoji, Hisashi Okamoto and Takuya Ooura, Particle
trajectories around a running cylinder or a sphere, Fluid Dynamics Research vol.
42 (2010), 025506(10pp).
- Sun-Chul Kim and Hisashi Okamoto, Vortices
of large scale appearing in the 2D stationary Navier-Stokes equations at
large Reynolds numbers, Japan J. Indust.
Appl. Math., vol. 27 (2010), 47--71.
- S.-C. Kim
and H. Okamoto, The generalized Proudman-Johnson
equation at large Reynolds numbers, IMA
J. Appl. Math., 78 (2013), 379--403.
- H. Okamoto
and M. Shoji, Trajectories of fluid particles in a periodic water-wave, Philos.
Trans. R. Soc. A vol. 370, (2012), 1661--1676.
- H.
Okamoto, Blow-up problems in the strained vorticity dynamics and critical
exponents, J.
Math. Soc. Japan., vol. 65, (2013), 1079--1099,
- H.
Okamoto, T. Sakajo, M. Wunsch, Steady-States and
Traveling wave solutions of the generalized Constantin-Lax-Majda equation, Discrete
and Continuus Dynamical Systems, vol. 34, (2014), 3155--3170
- (With Sun-Chul Kim), The generalized Proudman--Johnson
equation and its singular perturbation problems, Japan J. Indust.
Appl. Math., vol. 31, Issue 3, (2014),
- (with T.
Miyaji), A computer-assisted proof of existence of a periodic solution, Proceedings
of the Japan Academy, Series A, vol. 90, (2014), 139--144.
- T. Miyaji,
H. Okamoto & A. Craik, A four-leaf chaotic attractor of a
three-dimensional dynamical system, International
Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol. 25 (2015), 1530003 (21pages).
- S.-C. Kim,
and H. Okamoto, Unimodal patterns appearing in the Kolmogorov flows at
large Reynolds numbers, Online,
Nonlinearity, free access! , vol. 28 (2015), 3219--3242.
- C.-H. Cho,
H. Okamoto, & M. Shōji, A blow-up problem
for a nonlinear heat equation in the complex plane of time. Japan J.
Indust. Appl. Math., vol. 33, (2016), 145--166..
- T. Miyaji,
H. Okamoto, and A. D. D. Craik, Three-dimensional
forced-damped dynamical systems with rich dynamics: bifurcations, chaos
and unbounded solutions, Physica D vol. 311-312, (2015), pages 25—36.
- S.-C. Kim,
T. Miyaji, and H.Okamoto, Unimodal
patterns appearing in the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes flows under
general forcing at large Reynolds numbers. Eur. J. Mech. B Fluids 65
(2017), 234–246.
- H. Bae, D.
Chae, and H. Okamoto,
On the well-posedness of various one-dimensional model equations for fluid
motion. Nonlinear Anal. 160 (2017), 25–43.
- H.
Okamoto, Models and special solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations. Handbook
of mathematical analysis in mechanics of viscous fluids, (2018), 729–780, Springer,
- S.-C.Kim, T. Miyaji, and H. Okamoto, Unimodal
solutions of the generalized Constantin-Lax-Majda equation with viscosity.
Jpn. J. Ind. Appl. Math. 35 (2018), no. 3, 1065–1083.
- T. Miyaji
and H. Okamoto, Existence
proof of unimodal solutions of the Proudman-Johnson equation via interval
analysis. Jpn. J. Ind. Appl. Math. 36
(2019), no. 1, 287–298.
- G. Hörmann and H. Okamoto, Weak
periodic solutions and numerical case studies of the Fornberg-Whitham
equation, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 39
(2019), no. 8, 4455--4469.
- C. Bardos and H. Okamoto, Tosio
Kato's unpublished paper. Analysis
and Operator Theory, 61–64,
- Chien-Hong Cho and H. Okamoto,
Finite difference schemes for an axisymmetric nonlinear heat equation with
blow-up, Electronic Transactions on Numerical
Analysis vol. 52 (2020)
- S.-C. Kim
and H. Okamoto, Prandtl—Batchelor theory for Kolmogorov flows,
vol. 89 (2020) 114401
J. Phys. Soc. Japan,
(2020). Open access
- M. Shōji and H. Okamoto, Stationary
water waves on rotational flows of two vortical layers Japan J. Indust. Appl. Math. 38 (2021), 79--103
- S. Mean,
K. Unami, H. Okamoto, and M. Fujiwara, A
thorough description of one-dimensional steady open channel flows using
the notion of viscosity solution, Appl. Math. Comp. vol. 415, (2022),
- A.
Takayasu, J.-P. Lessard, J. Jaquette, & H.
Okamoto, Rigorous
numerics, for nonlinear heat equations in the complex plane of time, Numerische Mathematik, vol.
151 (2022) 693-750, open access
- Sun-Chul
Kim & Hisashi Okamoto, Stationary
flows with highly localized vorticity of the incompressible viscous fluid
at large Reynolds numbers, Applied Mathematics Letters, vol. 137,
March 2023, 108500 (open access)
Proceedings and others
- Stationary
free boundary problems for circular flows with or without surface tension,
in '' Nonlinear PDE in Appl. Sci., US-Japan Seminar, Tokyo, eds., H.
Fujita, P. Lax and G. Strang, (1983), pp. 233--251.
- Nonstationary
or stationary free boundary problems for perfect fluid with surface
tension, Recent Topics in Nonlinear PDE, Hiroshima, Lecture Notes in Num.
Appl. Anal., vol. 6, eds., M. Mimura and T. Nishida, (1984), pp. 143--154.
- Global
existence theorems on nonstationary stratified flow of incompressible
viscous fluid, in ``Computing Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering,
VI'', eds. R. Glowinski and J.-L. Lions, (1984), pp. 441--449.
- (with M. Shōji), Dynamical system arising in nonstationary
motion of a free boundary of a perfect fluid, Res. Inst. Math. Sci., Kyoto
Univ., Kokyuroku, vol. 559 (1985), pp. 19--40.
- (with M. Shōji), On the existence of progressive waves in the
flow of perfect fluid around a circle, Patterns and Waves, eds., T.
Nishida, M. Mimura and H. Fujii, (1986), pp.
- Degenerate
bifurcations in the Taylor-Couette problem, in '' Recent Topics in
Nonlinear PDE IV '', M. Mimura and T. Nishida, Kinokuniya
\& North Holland, (1989 ), pp.
- (with Y.
Kimura), Chaotic
Advection by a point Vortex in a semidisk, in '' Topological Fluid
Dynamics '', eds. H.K. Moffatt and A. Tsinober,
Cambridge Univ. Press (1990), pp. 105--113.
- Applications
of degenerate bifurcation equations to the Taylor problem and the water
wave problem, in '' The Navier-Stokes Equations Theory and Numerical
Method '', eds. J.G. Heywood, K. Masuda, R. Rautmann
and V.A. Solonnikov, Springer Lecture
Notes in Math., No. 1431 (1990), pp. 117--127.
- (with M. Shōji), Normal
forms of bifurcation equations in the problem of capillary-gravity waves, Res.
Inst. Math. Sci., Kyoto Univ., Kokyuroku, vol.
740 (1991), pp. 208--242.
- (with M. Shōji), Nonexistence of bifurcation from Crapper's
pure capillary waves, Res. Inst. Math. Sci., Kyoto Univ., Kokyuroku, vol. 745 (1991), 21--38.
- (with M. Shōji), The
Stokes expansion method to the bifurcation problem of plane progressive
water waves, Nonlinear PDE, Lecture Notes in Num. Appl. Anal., vol.
11, eds., M. Mimura and T. Nishida, (1991), pp. 137--152.
- (with M. Shōji and M. Katsurada), A
computer-assisted analysis of the two dimensional Navier-Stokes equations,
in Proceedings of the Functional Analysis and Related Topics, 1991 (
ed. H. Komatsu ), Springer Lecture Note in Math. vol. 1540 (1993), pp. 309--318.
- (with M. Shōji), Numerical unfoldings
of capillary gravity waves, in Proceedings of the First China-Japan
Seminar on Numerical Mathematics, eds. Z.-c. Shi and T. Ushijima, World
Scientific, (1993), pp. 119--132.
- (with M. Katsurada and M. Shōji),
Bifurcation of the stationary Navier- Stoke flows on a 2-D Torus, to
appear in Proc. Katata Workshop on Nonlinear
PDEs. and Applications, eds. M. Mimura and T. Nishida.
- Singular
or nearly singular flows of incompressible fluid, International Institute
for Advanced Study, IIAS Report No. 1996-003, ed. T. Miwa, pp. 11--30.
- H. Fujita,
H. Moriomoto, and H. Okamoto, Stability of some
Navier-Stokes flows in doubly connected domains, in ``Recent Development
in Domain Decomposition Methods and Flow Problems'', eds. H. Fujita et
al., Gakuto International Series, Math. Sci.
Appl., vol. 11 (1998), pp. 116--125. PS file,
80KB after gzip
- H. Okamoto
and T. Sakajo, The application PVM to the
computation of vortes sheet motion, ibid, pp.
- H. Okamoto
and M Shōji, Boundary layer in unsteady
two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations, ibid, pp. 171--180.
- Localization
of singularities in inviscid limit --- numerical examples, in Proceedings
of Navier-Stokes equations: theory and numerical methods, ed. R. Salvi,
Longman, Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series vol. 388 (1998), pp.
220--236. PS
file, 828KB after gzip 2015
- K. Ohkitani and H. Okamoto, Blow-up
problems modeled from the strain-vorticity dynamics, Proceedings of ``Tosio Kato's method and Principle for Evolution
Equations in Mathematical Physics" ( = RIMS Kokyuroku
# 1234 ), (2001), pp. 240--250.
- K.
Kobayashi and H. Okamoto, Uniqueness issues on permanent progressive
water-waves, Proc. of ``Nonlinear Waves'' held at Oberwolfach
in January 2004. J.
Nonlinear Math. Phys., vol. 11, 472--479.
- (with
C.-H. Cho, S. Hamada) On the finite difference approximation for parabolic
blow-up problems, in ``Proc. 7th China-Japan Seminar on Numerical
Mathematics'', eds. Z.-c. Shi and H. Okamoto, Sciecne
Press Beijing, (2006), pp 193--202.
- (with
Mayumi Shoji) Particle
trajectories around a running cyliner in Brinkman's porous-media flow,
Proc. Nat. Inst. Math. Sci., vol. 3 (2008), 103--107.
- A
nonlinear boundary-value problem with an integral constraint, in
Proceedings of ``Far-From-Equilibrium Dynamics'', RIMS Kokyuroku
Bessatsu, B31
(2012), 93--115. (refereed paper)
- (with H.
Fujita) Tosio Kato as an applied mathematician, ICIAM Dianoia, vol. 6 issue 4
Textbook on progressive water-waves
( with M. Shōji )
The Mathematical
Theory of Bifurcation of Permanent Progressive Water-Waves, World
Scientific, 2001.
Contents in postscript
Cover of
the book
Reviewed by Zentralblatt
Reviewed by J.
Fluid Mech.
Publications in Japanese
- 岡本 久、R.
Finn 教授講演記録、数学、第33巻(1981), p84.
- 岡本 久, 完全流体の自由境界問題--- 分岐解とその安定性, 数学vol. 38 (1986), pp. 39--52.
- 岡本 久, 桂田
祐史, ポテンシャル問題の高速解法について, 応用数理, 第二巻 第三号(1992), pp. 2--20.
- 岡本 久, 定常表面張力波について, ながれ, vol. 13 (1994), pp.
- 藤井 宏、岡本 久, 非線型力学, 岩波書店 岩波講座「応用数学」(1995), 改定版(1998).
- 岡本 久、流れの解析、数理科学1996年5月号、pp. 64--70. 別冊・数理科学、「微積分の広がり、その魅力と多様な進化」、2004年、162--168 に再録
- 岡本 久, 中村
周, 関数解析, 岩波書店 岩波講座「現代数学の基礎」(1997). 新装版(2006).
- 岡本 久、数値解析と応用数学関連の報告、数学、第51巻(1999), p210--212.
- 岡本 久,
Navier-Stokes 方程式の解の構造, ながれ, vol. 19 (2000), pp.
- 岡本 久,
Navier-Stokes 方程式の未解決問題, 数理科学, 2001年5月号, pp. 67--74. 上野健爾・高橋陽一郎・中島
啓 共編、「数学の未解決問題、21世紀数学への序章」、サイエンス社2003年、152--160 に再録
- 岡本 久, 水面波の多様性, 数学のたのしみ, 2001年6月号, pp. 62--70.
- 岡本 久, Proudmann-Johnson方程式の周辺の話題, 数理解析研究所講究録, 第1225巻,
(2001), pp. 176-179.
- Kim Sun-Chul & 岡本 久, 菱形Navier-Stokes流の解の分岐と非粘性極限, 数理解析研究所講究録, 第1231巻,
(2001), pp. 69-82.
- (10名による共著), 数学七つの未解決問題,, 森北出版,
(2002). 第7章が岡本と藤田宏による共同解説。
- 現象の数理, 放送大学教材(2003年、3月刊行, 一般の書店でも購入できます)
- 岡本 久、中村健一、柳下浩紀、Navier-Stokes 方程式の非有解な解は爆発し得る, 数理解析研究所講究録1322巻(2003), 102--106 PS file , PDF file
- 岡本 久, 知られざるグリーン, 数学セミナー2003年7月号, 45--49.
- 岡本 久、 計算機実験と数学 変わり者の独り言、土木学会誌、vol. 88、2003年 8月号、32ページ. HTML
- (翻訳) ピーターD. ラックス、数学と数値計算、「数学の最先端」第4巻、アーノルド他編、砂田利一監訳、(2003) pp 26--47.
- 岡本 久、 応用解析等教科書の個人的な概観、応用数理、第14巻(2004), 97--101.
- 岡本 久,
Crapperの表面張力波の一意性について, 数理解析研究所講究録, 第1368巻,
(2004), pp.
- 数学とコンピュータ(4名による共著), 放送大学教材(2006年、4月刊,253pages)
- ニュートン法の話、「数学のたのしみ」2006年春号、70--91. これはもう売っていません。同じ内容をここに置きました。
- ルレイと非線形編微分方程式、数学セミナー、45巻 No. 12 (2006), 24--29.
- ソウル大学数学教室訪問記、数学セミナー、46巻 No. 6 (2006), 44--47.
- ナヴィエ-ストークス方程式の導き方, 「数理科学」、2010年11月号、71--77.
- ある応用数学者の弁明、数学の道しるべ、サイエンス社 (2011), 112--121.
- 流体力学の厳密解、「数理科学」2012年11月号、
- 流体力学と数学、「数学通信」, 第18巻 第2号 (2013年), 6-12.
- 最近の乱流理論、筑摩学芸文庫「数理物理学の方法」にフォン・ノイマンの論文を山田道夫氏と邦訳しました。2013年。
- 岡本 久・Sun Chul KIM, 2次元非圧縮粘性流における, 安定で大きな渦の存在について, ながれ、32巻、(2013)417--419.
- 関数、数学セミナー5月号、(2015).
- ナヴィエ・ストークス方程式の数理, 東京大学出版会、2009年 6月。 2023年1月 復刊
- 関数とは何か、長岡亮介氏との共著、近代科学社 2014年7月
- 日常現象から解析学へ、近代科学社、2016年、2月
- 巨大渦の安定性―2次元非圧縮高レイノルズ数の流れの中で,日本物理学会誌 (2016)
- 数学の研究者になるには、数学セミナー、56巻 No. 4 (2017), 12—16.
- フーリエ解析の始まり、数学セミナー、57巻、N0. 3 (2018), 8-13.
- 関数の連続性、数学セミナー、57巻、No. 11 (2018), 8—13.
- 常微分方程式の求積、数学セミナー、58巻、 No. 6 (2019), 8-12.
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