Part B: Language Choices and Perspectives

1. 原宿(はらじゅく)へ行こう

1 Context

場所 松井さんの家

話し手 弟のたくや(16才)

このうちに来てから 5ヶ月


Your brother, Takuya suggests going to Harajuku together on Saturday: 土曜日(どようび)原宿(はらじゅく)へ行こうよ。


a) You have been there once and would love to go again. Accept the offer. How would you respond?



2 Language choices


1. Accept the offer





Likely consequences






a)    行きましょう。






b)    いいね。行こう。






c)     うん。行こう。






d)    行く行く。







e)    (ちょうど)行きたかったんだ。






f)      そうしましょう。








b) You would like to go but have made an arrangement to see a friend that day. Turn down the offer. How would you respond?





a)    わたし・ぼくはいけない。






b) え、土曜日(どようび)? じゃあ、だめだ。べつの日じゃだめ?





c) 土曜日ですか。ざんねんですが、ようじがあるんです。





d) 行きたいけど土曜日はね。






e) ちょっと行けないね。












g) わたしは行くことが






h) わたしは行かれない。






6. Vocabulary


a. Odd one out

Which of the following means something quite different to the others?








b. Matching


Here are some words youll have heard Misa use. Match the words on the left with the meaning on the right.

  1. よそよそしい friendly
  2. うちとけて(い)ない reply
  3. べつに in terms of getting the meaning across
  4. いみあいてきに* not in particular
  5. ノリノリっていうかんじ* seems to get too interested
  6. さそう as though youve been cut off
  7. じょうきょう invite

8. へんじ hasnt become one of us/got used to our place

  1. うけとる the situation

10. きれるかんじ take in/accept

(*Colloquial expression 2000 but outdated by 2004 according to the students of Gakushuuin.)


7. What Misa said

Listen again to what Misa said and complete the following.

Accepting the offer


  1. Misa rated two of the choices with ばつ saying that they were かたい(hard), which in reference to language means rigid or too formal when speaking with friends or family. What were those two choices? [ ] and [ ]


  1. Misa said that choice [ ] was acceptable.


  1. What response did Misa think the listener would have to the choice 行く、行く?



  1. Give one reason why Misa wasnt really satisfied with行きたかったんだ!as a choice.


  1. Misas favourite choice seemed to be [ ]


Turning down the offer


  1. Which choices did Misa describe as ぶっきらぼう? [ ] and for what reason?


  1. Does Misa say its better to give a reason, or better to not give a reason why you cant go?


  1. About the choice 土曜日ですか。ざんねんですが、ようじがあるんですwhat did Misa say



  1. In Misas opinion responses like 行きたいけど、土曜日はね。are not acceptable because____________________________________.


  1. The choice which Misa describes as a translation of English is [ ].


8. How Misa said it


a. Giving a personal opinion

Misa softens her opinion by saying things like seems likeits sort ofE Circle any of the following expressions that you have heard her use.


なんか ではないかと思います とかいう感じで みたいな感じ


のようです   かんと思います  


b. Colloquial expressions

Listen again to what Misa said and complete the following question:

ぶっきらぼう, ぶっきらぼうすぎるから、何か気にして, その人の何か, 気にしないみたいになっちゃって、なっちゃうから。気づかいがたいかなってちょっと感じもするから。うん。


Misas colloquial way of saying なってしまいます meaning It ends up (seeming like they , they dont care about that person )



やっぱis a spoken version of :