

1. Context

場所(ばしょ)                                              小林(こばやし)さんのうちで

話し相手(はな          あいて)                                              家族(かぞく)全員(ぜんいん)    (The whole family)    

このうちに来てから                  12ヶ月                   


Today is your last day with the family and your last chance to thank them for their hospitality. This is the final family gathering where you now have the opportunity to thank everyone properly. 


What would you say?



2   Language Choices



Likely consequences






a)              長い(なが)(あいだ)たいへんお世話(せわ)になりました。ありがとうございました。





b)                 いろいろおせわになりました。





c)                  ほんとうにありがとうございました。とっても楽しかったです。ほんとうに家族みたいでした。





d)              いろいろありがとうございました。





e)              このうち、すごくよかった。どうもありがとう。









Here are some words you’ll have heard Yoshiko and Kenji and later Misa use. Select the correct English meaning for the words.


a.    オーソドックス

i)                  similar to the English meaning of “orthodox” meaning accepted practice

ii)                respectful

iii)             easy to say



b.    しつこい 

i)                  direct, cutting

ii)                intimate

iii)             rude


c. こんぽんてきに

i)                  basically

ii)                as a rule

iii)             originally


d. きちんと

i)                  properly

ii)                formally

iii)             casually


e. わかれる

i)                  understand

ii)                be able to understand

iii)             say goodbye/part 


f.  雰囲気(ふんいき)

i)                  feeling/atmosphere

ii)                air

iii)             weather



7. What Kenji and Yoshiko, and Misa said

Read the statements. Listen to Kenji and Yoshiko and Misa again and select whether the following statements are true (T) or false



i)                  In this case, Kenji and Yoshiko prefer the casual to the formal farewell speech.  [  ]


ii)                Kenji says that he thinks it`s rude to say このうちすごくよかった。[  ]


iii)             In Misa`s opinion the student would be better not to show any emotion in the farewell speech. [  ]


iv)              In closing Misa suggested that how the student said the speech really depended on the family. [  ]                                           



8. How Kenji and Yoshiko said it 


In spoken language, especially when speaking with people we know well, we tend to speak spontaneously often in short bursts and we add things as we think of them. Listen again to Yoshiko and Kenji are write what they said to mean the following:


For いいですね。Kenji said _____________


For ふつう, その言い方はしませんね。Yoshiko says: _________________


Three times Misa ends a sentence with と思うんですよ. The function of this is to

i)                  be convincing

ii)                express uncertainty

iii)             seek confirmation




