2024/12/3 Prof Prof Yukari Shirota
・Prof. Riri (UI) asked me to write an essay for her because she will publish her book and I wrote the essay for her. I look forward to the publishing. OPEN pdf(2020/4/2) ・On February 26, 2020 I visited Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science. I met Dean Dr Sri Nurdiati, Dr Hamim (Vice Dean), Dr Kgs Dahlan (IPB Campus Dramaga) and Dr Sony Hartono Wijaya (Computer Science Dept). Shirota presented our joint research with UI (National University of Indonesia) Lambaga Demografi (Institute for Population Research) in 2019. In addition, I explained the recent Financal Analysis methods by machine learning approaches or so. Among them, Dean was interested in shape analysis and we discussed the possibility of the joint data analysis by shape analysis the next time I will visit IPB. Then I met Dr. Amrozi of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine to discuss statistical education. Then we discussed the effective learning materials of BASIC statistics and introduced my visual teaching materials for statistics. ![]() ![]() ・On February 27, 2020 I visited Dr Ruri in Lambaga Demografi, Indonesia University. Dr Ruri made the presentation to explain the collected data via WEB survey on the Female Participation Indicator in Asian Countries (in this case, an opinion survey in Indonesia). We discussed the contents of the data. 2019
・ Dr Cator (University of Indonesia) visiting to Shirota Lab. in July for the analysis of economic indicators of Indonesian provinces.
・ Shirota’s public lecture titled “Morphometric Visualization”
・ Ms Yussanti (Indonesia University) visiting to Shirota Lab. in July for the analysis of the Sidoardjo Mudflow Disaster Impacts by text mining. ・ Shirota’s public lecture titled “Visually See Text Mining Math Processes on LSA, SVD, and Gibbs Sampling”
2015・ Mr Lubis Muhammad Firdaus (Indonesia University) visiting to Shirota Lab. in July for the analysis of the 2011 Thailand flooding’s impacts on Japanese companies. ・ Shirota’s public lecture titled “Visual Explanation of Mathematics in Latent Semantic Analysis” on 4th September, 2015 at Indonesia University, Department of Electrical Engineering.
・ Shirota’s first visit to Bogol Agricultural University in September to see Animal Hospital for education. And I met Dr Amrozi Head of department of veterinary clinic reproduction and pathology at his horse stable in campus. 2014・Shirota’s public lecture titled “Visualization of the Central Limit Theorem and 95 Percent Confidence Intervals”
・ Shirota’s public lecture titled “Understandable Visualization of Economics Mathematics” at Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University Indonesia, on 28th February. ・ Shirota’s public lecture titled “Visual Solution Approach for Economics Mathematics -- Normal Distribution in Stock Price Simulation -“ at Jakarta International Multicultural School on 1 March, 2013. Joint event with the Gakushuin Almuni in Jakarta. Many questions from high school students encouraged me. 2012
・ Shirota’s public lecture titled “Web Publication of Visual Teaching Materials for Business Mathematics“ at Universitas Indonesia, Information System Development and Services on 7th September, 2012. Then Prof Takako Hashimoto (Chiba Univ of Commerce) and I visited Indonesi University. Paper List:
Yukari Shirota, Takako Hashimoto, Basabi Chakraborty, Riri Fitri Sari:
"SNS Topics Comparison on COVID-19 in India, Japan, and Indonesia," IEEE tencon 2021, online, 7 to 10th December, 2021.
Yuikari Shirota, Takako Hashimoto, Basabi Chakraborty, and Riri Fitri Sari: "COVID-19 に関するインド、日本、インドネシア SNS 上でのトピック比較," Research for oriental Cultures, Vol. 24 (March 2022), The research institute for Oriental Cultures of Gakushuin University, pp.287-328. PDF OPEN Yuikari Shirota, Takako Hashimoto, Kenji Yamaguchi, and Riri Fitri Sari: "Time Series Analysis of Gender Empowerment Index by Provinces in Indonesia," Research for oriental Cultures, Vol. 23 (March 2021), The research institute for Oriental Cultures of Gakushuin University, pp. 283-304. PDF OPEN Yukari Shirota, Alfan Presekal, and Riri Fitri Sari : “Visualization of Time Series Data by Statistical Shape Analysis on Fertility Rate and Education in Indonesia,” Journal of Advances in Information Technology, Engineering and Technology Publishing, Vol. 10, No. 2, May 2019 pp. 60-65, PDF OPEN Yukari Shirota, Riri Fitri Sari, Alfan Presekal, and Takako Hashimoto: “Visualization of Time Series Change on Indonesia Economic Status by Provinces," Annual Report of Gakushuin University Research Institute for Economics and Management (GEM Bulletin), Vol. 33, Dec. 2019, pp. 27-38. Stojanovic, Diana, Takako Hashimoto, and Yukari Shirota. "Finding Correlates of Child Mortality in Indonesia Using 3 Regression Methods." TENCON 2019-2019 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON). IEEE, 2019, pp. 1113-1117. Yukari Shirota and Diahhadi Setyonaluri: “Smart Computing to Gauge Time Series Change of TFR and Average Family Size by Indonesia Provinces,” Proc. of 8th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI AAI 2019), July 7 to 12, 2019, Toyama, Japan, pp.701-706. Yukari Shirota, Riri Fitri Sari, Alfan Presekal and Takako Hashimoto: “Visualization of Time Series Data Change by Statistical Shape Analysis,” Proc. of QIR International Conference on Quality in Research 2019, International Symposium on Electrical and Computer Engineering, IEEE, Padang Indonesia, 22-24 July 2019,pp. 1-6, 2019. Yukari Shirota, Alfan Presekal, and Riri Fitri Sari : “Visualization of Time Series Data by Statistical Shape Analysis on Fertility Rate and Education in Indonesia,” Journal of Advances in Information Technology, Engineering and Technology Publishing, Vol. 10, No. 2, May 2019 pp. 60-65, http://www.jait.us/index.php?m=content&c=index&a=lists&catid=191 Yukari Shirota, Alfan Presekal, and Riri Fitri Sari :"Visualization of Time Series Data Change on Fertility Rate and Education in Indonesia Provinces," Proc. of 5th International Conference on Information Management (ICIM 2019), IEEE, 24-27 March, 2019, Cambridge, UK, pp. 54-59, 2019. Yukari Shirota, Alfan Presekal, and Riri Fitri Sari, "Visualization of Time Series Change on GDP Per Electricity by Provinces in Indonesia," Proc of Intl. Electronics Symp. on Knowledge Creation and Intelligent Computing (IES-KCIC), October 29-30th, 2018, Bali, pp. 333-336.Alfan Presekal, Riri Fitri Sari, and Yukari Shirota, "Local Change Analysis of Correlation of Education Level to GDP in Indonesia," Gakushuin Economics Papers, Vol. 55, No. 3, pp. 61-77, 2018. http://www.gakushuin.ac.jp/univ/eco/gakkai/pdf_files/keizai_ronsyuu/contents/contents2018/5503/5503shirota/5503shirota.pdf Yukari Shirota, Riri Fitri Sari, and Takako Hashimoto, "Time Series Analysis on Indonesia Provinces Economic Development," INTESDA, Proc. of 5th Conference on Management and Sustainability in Asia (COMSA), 2-3 August 2018, Hiroshima, Japan, pp. 12-19. Tetri Widiyani,Yukari Shirota and Riri Fitri Sari,"A morphometries analysis method for craniofacial differences of ancient humans," Prof. of 2nd International Conference on Automation, Cognitive Science, Optics, Micro Electro Mechanical System, and Information Technology (ICACOMIT), Jakarta, 2017, pp. 22-27, 10.1109/ICACOMIT.2017.8253380 Yukari Shirota, Takako Hashimoto, and Riri Fitri Sari: “Visualization of time series statistical data by shape analysis (GDP ratio changes among Asia countries)”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 971, No. 1, pages=012013, 2018, http://stacks.iop.org/1742-6596/971/i=1/a=012013. Yukari Shirota, Riri Fitri Sari, Tetri Widiyani, and Takako Hashimoto: "Visually Do Statistical Shape Analysis!," Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA), IEEE, Tokyo, Japan, 2017. http://www.dslab.it.aoyama.ac.jp/dsaa2017/tutorials/#Vis Apriono, Cator, Riri Fitri Sari, Yuriko Yano and Yukari Shirota. "Economic Indicator Evaluation Based on Shape Deformation Analysis of Indonesian Provinces Statistics." Gakushuin Economics Papers 54, no. 3 (2017): 1-22. Fajrina, Yussanti Nur, Yukari Shirota and Riri Fitri Sar. "Topic Extraction Analysis for Sidoardjo Mudflow Disaster Impacts." Gakushuin Economics Papers 53, no. 3 (2016): 101-114. Lubis, Muhammad Firdaus, Yukari Shirota and Riri Fitri Sari. "Analysis on Stock Price Fluctuation Due to Flood Disaster Using Singular Value Decomposition Method." Proc. of JSAI International Symposia on AI, TADDA (Workshop on Time Series Data Analysis and its Applications), 16-18 Nov. 2015, Hiyoshi, Japan.,(2015). Lubis, Muhammad Firdaus, Yukari Shirota and Riri Fitri Sari. "Thailand's 2011 Flooding: Its Impacts on Japan Companies in Stock Price Data." Gakushuin Economics Papers 52, no. 3 (2015): 101-121. Shirota, Yukari, Riri Fitri Sari, Tetri Widiyani and Takako Hashimoto. "Visually Do Statistical Shape Analysis! As Tutoral." In Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA) Tokyo, Japan: IEEE, 2017. |