How to make 3D Economics Mathematics Graphics

2019/03/05 Prof Yukari Shirota

  1. Let's Make the 3D Graphics of Lagrange Multiplier Method
    Wolfram CDF OPEN

    Text slide pdf OPEN

    Drill problem: Wolfram CDF OPEN
  2. Let's move bond_math parameters!
    BondMath 1 CDF OPEN
    Bond the longer the maturity becomes, the bigger the modified duration is.
    BondMath 2 CDF OPEN
    Evolution of the bond price over time: A bond price approaches the face value over time.
    BondMath 3 CDF OPEN Price-yield 3D surface
    BondMath 4 CDF OPEN
    Problem: Given data: the initial cost was 1100, the first year profit was 300, the second year profit was 400, the third year profit was 500, and the fourth year was 300. Find the IRR.

  3. Bayes' theorem
    Posterior CDF OPEN
    The prior was set up without the observation. Then the observation values modified the prior into the posterior.

  4. PCA and SVD


  5. Definition of e the base of natural log cdf with the slider OPEN

  6. Usage of ListPlot cdf OPEN

  7. Visually Do Economics Data Analysis by Mathematica #1 Introduction
    Wolfram CDF OPEN

    Text slide pdf OPEN