ABE Seiya.2003.7. The Overlapping Distribution of Various Terms for River-courses and Its Background Considered from the Point of View of the Dialectal Borderline in the Kantō Region, KOKUGOGAKU, (Studies in the Japanese Language), 54-3, pp.101-116, The Society of Japanese Linguistics,
【国際学会・英語発表】○ABE,Seiya(2003.7.29)Dialectical/climatic features and distribution of terms for watercourses in Asian languages : the case of Japanese,Korean,and Chinese,‘Proceedings of International Congress of Linguists' in CD-ROM,Prague, July 24〜29th,2003,pp.83,published by CIL,
2004 年度
@安部清哉(2005,予定)「『背負う・担ぐ』語彙と『雑兵物語』の語彙の多元性・重層性−−先行研究の再検討−−」 『佐藤喜代治先生追悼国語学論集』(仮題)、明治書院 (校正中)
ABE,Seiya, 2005 to
appear,‘On the Zouhyou Monogatali from the Viewpoint of the
Vocabulary meens ‘Carry on’’,
A Festshrift on the Study of Japanese Language in Honor of Doc. Kiyoji Satoo,pp.,[‘Seou・Katsugu’-Goi to Zouhyou Monogatali no Goi no Tagensei to Juusousei,(Satou Kiyoji Sensei Tsuitou Kokugogaku Ronshuu),pp.22,]
ABE,Seiya, 2004.12,‘On the History
of Langages in Asia-Pacific Rim from the Viewpoint of Geolinguistics’Studies in the Japanse Language,23-15,pp.42-55,[‘Gengochiligaku to Nihongo to Azia-Kan Taiheiyo Gengoshi,(Nihongogaku).vol.23-15,pp.42-55,]
MAEDA,Tomiyoshi chief edit.,ABE,Seiya & Others edit.,2005.4,An
Etymological Dictionary of the Japanese Language,Shogakkan,pp.1273,
ABE,Seiya, 2004.7,‘On the
History of Japanese Language from the Viewpoint of The Rivernames’,Japanese Literature;Interpritation and Appriciation,,69-7,pp.93-100,[Chimei
to Nihongo;Kasen-Chikei-Mei no Gengo Kuukan,(Kokubungaku Kaishaku to Kanshou),vol.69-7,pp.93-100,]
D安部清哉(2005.1)「新刊紹介 上野智子著『地名語彙の開く世界』」『国文学解釈と鑑賞』,70-1,p.212,至文堂
○安部清哉(2004.7.10)「日本語の境界とモンスーン・アジアという世界――水源地形名numa<*nub(沼・泥)の言語分布――」,『韓国日本学連合会 第2回国際学術大会Proceedings』,pp.44-52,
2004.7.10,On the Region of Monsoon Asian Languages and Japanese; from the
viewpoint of the distribution of terms ‘*nub’ as for
swamp,,The Proceedings of the 2nd International Cogress of the Union of
Korean Japanology,pp.44-52,[Nihongo no Kyookai to Monsuun Azia toiu
Sekai;Suigen-Chikei-Mei numa<*nub (Numa・Doro) no Gengo
Bunpu,(Kankoku Nihongaku Rengou Gakkai Dai 2 Kai Gakujutsu Taikai
【シンポジウム】○安部清哉(2004.7.10)「日本語の境界とモンスーン・アジアという世界--水源地形名numa<*nub(沼・泥)の言語分布--」『韓国日本学連合会 第2回国際学術大会Proceedings』, pp.44-52,
ABE,Seiya, 2004.7.10,On the Region of Monsoon Asian Languages and Japanese; from the viewpoint of the distribution of terms ‘*nub’ as for swamp,,The Proceedings of the 2nd International Cogress of the Union of Korean Japanology,pp.44-52,[Nihongo no Kyookai to Monsuun Azia toiu Sekai;Suigen-Chikei-Mei numa<*nub (Numa・Doro) no Gengo Bunpu,(Kankoku Nihongaku Rengou Gakkai Dai 2 Kai Gakujutsu Taikai Proceedings),pp.44-52],