Good Old Days - Part 2

まる子 まる子
まる子 まる子

at Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve in the suburb of Canberra−1975 キャンベラ 1975 年

with Cheryl (now Professor of Mathematics at the University of Western Australia)

キャンベラ 1975 年

with the late Professor E.J. Hannan (my supervisor and benefactor)−1986 Professor Hannan at the age of 65; Canberra in 1986

with my daughter Yuki (ゆう樹) on the occasion of her 12th birthday−1989 国立 1989 年

with Yuki on the occasion of her wedding−2006 Mejiro 2006 年

with Haruki at the age of two years (December, 2013) Mejiro 2006 年