Mini-Symposium on Nonlinear PDEs and Their Applications


Organized by Hisashi Okamoto (Gakushuin) &

Hideo Kozono (Waseda University)


Venue Gakushuin University South Building No. 7, #101

Date:  August 26, 2023



10:0010:45   Dongho Chae (Chung-Ang University)

On the Liouville type theorems in the fluid mechanics


11:0011:45   Mikihiro Fujii (Kyushu University)

Ill-posedness of the two-dimensional stationary Navier-Stokes equations on the whole plane


13:0013:45   Namkwon Kim (Choson University)

Periodic solutions of Allen-Cahn equations with a switching function


14:0014:45   Erika Ushikoshi (Yokohama National University/Osaka University)

Periodic solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations for large flux on a time dependent domain


15:1515:45   Hisashi Okamoto (Gakushuin University)

Blow-up solutions of nonlinear heat equation in the complex plane


16:0016:30   Hideo Kozono (Waseda University/Tohoku University)

Generalized Taylor-Couette flow


The program above may be subject to a change.

This mini-symposium is supported by MEXT/JSPS Kakenhi Grant Number 22K03438 & 21H04433

[LINEスタンプ] 学習院大学・さくまサン (1)Access to Gakushuin University

South Building No. 7 is 17 of Campus map   On 26th the road just in front of Building No. 7 (the west side of Building 11 in the campus map) is closed, and you have to take a small detour in the east side of Building 11.