
1. Context: 

場所:                  小野(おの)さんの(いえ)

話し相手             38才のお兄さん

来てから             3ヶ月 

Last night Takashi helped you for hours with a Japanese speech. You have started working on this speech which you have to deliver in two weeks’ time. There is no urgency in finishing it but you are grateful to Takashi for his help and let him know when you see him first thing the next morning. He is more than ten years older than you but you have been with the family for three months now and you get on very well together.  


How would you thank him? 




2   Language Choices




Likely consequences




a)    ゆうべ、スピーチを手伝(てつだ)ってくれてほんとうにありがとう。






b)    ゆうべ、スピーチ、たすけてくれて、ありがとう(ございました。)







c)     ゆうべ、スピーチ、ありがとう。たすかったよ。





d)    ゆうべはありがとう。







e)   ゆうべはおそくまで, ごめんね。






f)   ごくろうさまでした。








6. Vocabulary

Listen again to what Kyoko said towards the end of their discussion. Complete the following by inserting a word from the box in a space in the dialogue:


きょうこ:(          )のいしきが、つよいから、やっぱり私たちが




それは(                       )やっぱり、あの、お母さんと(                  )でも、私の友だち


だったら「ありがとう」と言うけど、(               )同じ年でも、「ありがと


う」とは言わない、人は(               )だと思うけど、かんけい、    外での友だちと、




(                       ) が大きいんじゃないかしらね。


それぞれ(              )    親しくても(                )             ありがとう(                )


かんけい(               )   目上(めうえ)(                       )


目下(めした)(                        )      同じ年(おなじとし)(                             )


 夫(おっと)の親(おや)  (                                     )


だったら(                              )


Write the English meanings next to the word in the box.


7. What the Ono family said

Listen again. Circle the correct answer(s) and take notes of the linguistic evidence that supports your answer.


a.  Kayoko, Takashi’s mother, is the first to comment.


  1. She seems uncertain.
  2. She leaves an opening for another opinion after making her first choice.
  3. She never changes her opinion.
  4. In the end she would accept any of the following: 「ありがとうね。」「夕べはありがとうねえ。」「ありがとうございます」



b.  Katsuo Ono, the father,


  1. seems to defer to his wife.
  2. prefers people of few words.
  3. always speaks for himself and no one else/ it’s a personal opinion




c. Takashi, the son,


1.      accepts choice number (  a )

2.      says it’s kind to add what you’re thanking someone for.

3.      says it’s unnecessary to add what you’re thanking for.




d.   Kyooko, Takashi’s wife, said:

「夕べはありがとう。  「ございました」はつけないね、

留学生だったら、こっちに、ああ、「ありがとう」と言いたいという気持ちが分かるだけで、いい。which suggests that she would be satisfied just to know that the ryuugakusei __________________________________________________


e.  Kyooko moves on to a discussion of how language usage changes depending on context. What she says is:

  1. confirming what the others said about using arigatoo with intimate acquaintances
  2. offering another view



8. How the Ono family said it



When asked what effect it has if the student adds gozaimasu, Katsuo said that ううん、  親しみがなくなっちゃう感じ.ね、日本では。which in more formal Japanese is:






  1. From the above conversation who is Katsuo speaking for?................................


  1. Who is Kayoko Okaasan speaking for? ……………………………………………….



  1. Select the correct answer: In discussing what the students should say if speaking with the mother in the same situation the family all agree on one point: That you


                                                               I.      should use「ございます」

                                                             II.      shouldn’t use 「ございます」