

1. Context

 場所:           小野さんの家

話し相手         お兄さん

来てから         4ヶ月


You are feeling uncomfortable. There is a feeling in the air. No one has said anything to you directly but you sense that you might be doing things wrong sometimes. How would you ask Takashi to let you know if you do anything wrong.




2. Language Choices





Likely consequences



a)    わたし/ぼくがしてはいけないことをしたら、すぐ(おし)えてください。






b)    わたし/ぼくがしてはいけないことをしたときは、教えてください。




c)     わたし/ぼくがしてはいけないことをすれば、教えてください。





d)    わたし/ぼくがしてはいけないことをする教えてください。





e)    わたし/ぼくがしたことがへんだったら、教しえてね。




f)      わたし/ぼくがへんなことをしたら、教しえてね。





生の声  ホストファミリーに聞きました。The comments are limited to some but not all of the above choices. 



You will have heard Katsuo, Kayoko or their son, Takashi, use the following words or expressions. Complete the English equivalents:


同じ立場の人                        = someone of __________________

[] がつく場合                     = when you ___________________

いろいろな意味が出てくる        = it could ___________various things



7. What the Ono family said

Select True or False about the following statements as you listen again to what the Ono family said.


a. Kayoko said that both すれば and すると were acceptable. [  ]


b. Katsuo said that it’s OK to add when speaking with someone of your own age. [  ]


c. Kayoko said that it’s acceptable to add if it is a close relationship. [  ]


d. Takashi rated the expressionへんなことをしたら highly. [  ]


8. How the Ono family said it?

Listen again and note how the different family members spoke and what that tells you about them and their relationships.