3. かいらんばんをもっていく 


1. Context

場所               山梨県の小野さんの家

話し相手         小野加代子(かよこ)さん (お母さん)

来てから         3か月

Kayoko is busy helping her daughter-in-law with the children’s dinner. You are in the middle of writing a postcard to a friend. You were planning to take the letter to the post box as soon as you finished it, which would be in about 5 minutes. Kayoko asks you if you would take a circular to the next-door neighbour for her ?


1. How would you respond positively?


2. How would you respond positively but indicate that is inconvenient just now? 



1. How would you respond positively?

2  Language choices




Likely consequences







a)    いいよ (M) ・いいわよ  (F)






b)    だいじょうぶ。





c)     よろこんで行ってくる。





d)    行ってあげる。





2. How would you respond positively but indicate that is inconvenient just now.


a)    今すぐですか。 








b)    はい。






c)     あとでもいいですか。





d)    いいけど、ちょっとまってください。





e)    ちょっとあとでもいいですか  





f)      あと十分まってください。





g) あと十分まってくれませんか。orあと十分まってくれる?







6. Vocabulary

You will have heard the Ono family members use the following words in their discussion. See how well you have been able to guess them from context by selecting one of the choices.


私の立場(立場)in this case means

a. my home

b. my position in the family

c. my status in society


まずい in this case means

a. is no good

b. tastes bad

c. is too sharp


かくにん in this case means

a.    confirmation

b.    agreement

c.     appropriate 


よろこぶ in this case means


a.    be happy (to do something)

b.    be able (to do something)



ひょうげんする means

a.    show emotion

b.    express/say (something)

c.     agree


7. What did the Ono family say?


True or false?


a. Kayoko, the mother, said that she`d accept the response of  いいわよ                                                                                               [   ]

b. Kayoko said that Kyooko, her daughter –in-law, could use いいわよ with her friends.                                                                  [   ]


c. She would say だいじょうぶ as an answer if she had been asked if for example she could go to (to the shops) by herself.             [   ]


d.    Kyooko said thatよろこんで行ってくる。Sounds good natured of the student.                                                                        [   ]



8. How did the Ono family say it?


Listen again.


When reflecting on the choices, the speakers often qualify their comments with a condition starting with “ If ….then….


Listen again and find three examples of when the speakers give a condition and write it with an English translation in the following space.


Example: わたしの立場だったら…..When/if looking at it from my position (from where I stand)….





