
1. Context:

場所 小野さんの家

話し相手 お父さん

来てから 4ヶ月

The family is celebrating the New Year and are having mochi wrapped in nori and dipped in shooyu. You are asked if this is the first time you have had them: おもちは、はじめて? You have eaten mochi once before. What would you say? __________________________________________


2 Language Choices





Likely consequences




a)    食べたことがある。







b)    食べたことがあるけど、こんなにおいしいのははじめて。





c)     はい、はじめて。 おいしい。





d)    はい、はじめて。おもしろい食べ物ですね。





e)    いいえ、もちろん食べたことがある。





f) いいえ、(まえ)一度(いちど)だけ。








6. Vocabulary


You will have heard the Ono family members use the following words. Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right by joining with a line


a.    なれてる theres a difference between them


b.    おせじになっちゃう New Year mochi


c.     リップサービス youre used to (eating mochi)


d.    おもちじたい over the top, exaggerated


e.    そう言われると youre just being flattering


f.      差(さ)がある sweet (taste)


g.    新年(しんねん)のおもち lip service

h.    大げさ cannot praise (someone/something)


i.       ぶなんな the mochi itself


j.      しょうじき fairly, considerably


k.     あまい safe, not dangerous/risky


l.       ほめられない honest


m.  そうとう when thats said to you



7. What the Ono family said


Listen again and indicate whether the following statements are true or false.


  1. The family basically agreed that, if it is the first time youve eaten mochi, then its appropriate to say:「はい、はじめて, おいしい。」 [ ]


  1. The family expect a strong reaction to the taste of mochi since there are quite obvious differences in taste. [ ]


  1. The family responds favourably to praise and flattery.[ ]



8. How the Ono family said it

Complete the following as you listen again to what the family said.


a. In Takashis opinion: 「はい、はじめて。おもしろい食べ物ですね。」留学生だったらその方が、 一番。Kyoko suggested that the student might be being honest so questioning whether they couldnt praiseE . How did she say that?

京子: しょうじきな言い方かもしれないけど、あまり___________


b. Katsuo responded to Kyokos question saying:ほめられないけど、まあね、それは、ちがう文化(ぶんか)を見たというあれがそうとう出てくる。それは、聞いた方もちがう文化(ぶんか)だという感じをうけるからね。


What do you think Katsuo is referring to when he says ちがう文化(ぶんか)? Is it


  1. seeing a different way of showing appreciation (praising, being expressive)



  1. seeing the response of those who eat mochi for the first time?


c. What word are Katsuo and Kyoko talking about in the following excerpt? Write the word in the space.




かつお:( )を言うと、やっぱり何か、まあ、また出したのか、というい言い方になる。



Discuss the use of the word in class. Do you think that this word could be taken in the same way in a similar situation in your culture?