6. アンパン                   

1. Context


場所                       後藤さんの家       

話し相手                 後藤(ごとう)えつこさん .

このうちに来てから    5ヶ月


You have received some アンパンfrom the neighbour who dropped by. The neighbour had brought you some anpan once before and thought you liked it. You don’t particularly like anko.


What would you say?




2.  Language choices






Likely consequences





a)    前にもこういうのをいただきましたね。





b)    どうもありがとう。






c)     いただきます。






d)    うれしい。あんこ、大好き。





e)    どうもすいません。






f)      いつもすいません。







g)    わあ、おいしそう。どうも、あとでいただきます。







6. Vocabulary


What did the speakers mean by the following?



7. What the Goto family said


Listen again to the Goto family and answer the following


Which of the choice(s) did they seem to like best of all?



Which of the choices did they accept under certain conditions?



Which choice wasn’t so popular?




8. How did Etsuko and Yoshihiro say it?

Listen again and complete the gaps in the following:


a. Etsuko’s opinion of choice (a) was これはまあ、好きな場合にも、きらいな場合にも、ええと、おかしくないけど。but Yoshihiro didn’t agree saying:


         )またくれた (But it’s saying “Oh this again…”)



b. When Etsuko and her son Yoshihiro imitate what they consider a cheeky or rude way to respond they switch to a very familiar or colloquial form. It sounds amusing. For example Yoshihiro’s colloquial version ofまたこれですか?was
また(                  )


c. Etsuko’s colloquial equivalent of なんですか、アンパンですか。Was

(                                          )


d. Etsuko accepted ああ、おいしい。And her response made Yoshihiro laughter because she saidそうね。あとであんこを(                      )食べればいいんだから。


e. The more formal form of the verb Etsuko used in the response above is (                                ).