3. やきもの      


1. Context

場所                                               小林さんのうち

話し相手                         小林けんじ

このうちに来てから    5ヶ月



Kenji makes pottery and fires it in the kiln regularly. When he opens the kiln to show you the pots that have just been fired, how do you demonstrate how impressed you are?





2. Language Choices



Likely consequences





a)     わあ、すばらしい。

                                i.            すてき。(F)

                              ii.            きれい。






b)     すごい!or  すごいですね。






c)      いい(いろ)ね。







d)     上手(じょうず)ですね。






e)     ぼく/わたしはやきものが好き()です。






f)        ぼく/わたしの(くに)でもこういうの作り(つく)ます。






g)     あッ!一つほしい!










Here are some expressions you’ll have heard Yoshiko and Kenji use.

Select the correct meaning of the underlined words.


a. やきものにたいして、きれいというひょうげんはあまりつかわない。


にたいして means

i. the shape of

ii. about

iii. the opinion


ひょうげん means

i. expression

ii. word

iii. way of speaking


b. あ、すばらしい、すてき、きれいって、これ、ちょっとおせじっぽいね。


おせじっぽい means

i. showing gratitude for showing it

ii. overdoing it, being gushy

iii. flattering



7. What Kenji and Yoshiko said

Read the statements. Listen to Kenji and Yoshiko again. Mark with true (T) or false (F):


a. In Yoshiko`s opinion you would not say pottery is きれい。[  ]


b. In Yoshiko`s opinion it is appropriate to praise the potter saying

 おじょうずですね。 [  ]


c. In Yoshiko`s opinion, it`s OK but not recommended that you say 一つほしい。 [  ]


d. Yoshiko and Kenji agree that a suitable choice would be いいですね。 [  ]




8. How Kenji and Yoshiko said it


When we want to intensify an opinion we add words. For example in English we might say “absolutely not” or “there’s no way (we’d say that).” What word did Yoshiko use to intensify her opinion? Write it in the space:


一つほしい」なんて、(     )言わないですね。