

担 当 者 単 位 数 配当年次 学 期 曜 日 時 限
秋山 隆彦 教授・他
2 第2学期 2


In this course, seven professors belonging to the Faculties of Law, Economics, Letters, and Science will deliver omnibus-style lectures on topics such as law, philosophy, economics, Japanese, and science. Lectures will generally be held in English.


The aims of this course are 1) for foreign students to understand the state of affairs in Japan, 2) for Japanese students to have exposure to English dialogue on these topics, and 3) for foreign and Japanese students to explore aspects of the cutting-edge research being carried out by professors at Gakushuin University. We hope that the classroom will be a place of cross-cultural communication through a lively discourse between foreign and Japanese students.


1 September 16th, Prof. Murano, Introduction, Communicating with the Japanese 1
2 September 30th, Prof. Murano, Communicating with the Japanese 2
3 October 7th, Prof. Inaguma, Materials Science in Japan 1: Materials Science: past, present, and future
4 October 14th, Prof. Inaguma, Materials Science in Japan 2: Visit to the frontier of Materials Science
5 October 28th, Prof. Yamada, Modern Mathematics and Japanese Mathematicians1
6 November 11th, Prof. Yamada, Modern Mathematics and Japanese Mathematicians2
7 November 18th, Prof. Tanaka, Statistical aspects of Japanese economy 1
8 November 25th, Prof. Tanaaka, Statistical aspects of Japanese economy 2
9 December 2nd, Prof. Muranushi, Okinawa and the Rest of Japan(History)
10 December 9th, Prof. Muranushi, Okinawa and the Rest of Japan (US-Japan Alliance)
11 December 16th, Prof. Akiyama, Chemistry and pharmaceuticals in Japan 1
12 January 13th, Prof. Akiyama, Chemistry and pharmaceuticals in Japan 2
13 January 17th , Prof. Agata, Regenerative medicine in Japan: from iPS cells to therapy 1
14 January 17th, Prof. Agata, Regenerative medicine in Japan: from iPS cells to therapy 2
15 予備日
Lecture contents may change. 講義内容は変更することがある。


Most meetings will be in lecture style, but we will be open to student's questions at all times. 授業の多くは通常の講義形式で行われるが,学生からの質問はいつでも歓迎する。


Read the recommended materials suggested by lecturers before coming to class. 各担当教員によって後日提示される参考文献をあらかじめ読んでおくこと。


レポート:70%(Reports will be delivered in English. 英語でのレポート)
Grading details will be announced in the first class. 成績評価についての詳細は最初の授業でアナウンスする。

Recommended reading will be suggested by lecturers in their classes. 参考文献は追って指示する。


We welcome participation by foreign students and Japanese students who plan to study abroad in future. 外国からの留学生に加えて,将来,外国への留学を考えている日本人学生の積極的参加を希望する。原則として履修人数の制限はないが,履修希望者が多い場合には制限することがありうる。