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M.コフリン 講師 2 通年 3


This course will present everyday English language in various situations and provide students with opportunities to increase their confidence in speaking a foreign language, to add to their vocabulary and to help students approach English in a way that will be useful in daily life. The course will include a variety of weekly topics that encourage students to express their ideas and opinions.


1 Personality: Work with a partner to think of as many personality adjectives as you can. For example: friendly, happy, sad
2 Famous people: Look at the photos of famous people. Work in small groups to discuss the following. 1. What do you know about the people in the photos? 2. Think of three qualities which you associate with each person.
3 Tourism and Traveling: What’s the difference between a tourist and a traveler? How much of your own country have you visited? Is it possible to travel without leaving home?
4 Working at Home: What are the disadvantages of working from home? Would you like to work from home? What would be the advantages/disadvantages for you?
5 Language: Do your foreign language skills help you when you travel abroad? Would you like to make new friends? Do you want to learn about other cultures?
6 Advertising: Think of a famous advertisement. Describe it. Have you ever bought something just because of an advert? When?
7 Business: Which are your favorite retailers? Name three large manufacturers? What services can a wholesaler offer a retailer? Can you name a famous entrepreneur?
8 Design: Can you name a famous inventor? What did he/she invent? Are artistic people different from other people? What do you think is the most important innovation of the 21st century?
9 Adventure: If you could go back to another time and place, what time and place would you choose and why? Who's the most adventurous person in your family? Do you consider yourself an adventurous person? Why or why not?
10 Ambition: Is it important to have ambitions? Who is the most ambitious person you know? What were your ambitions when you were a child? Can ambitions be dangerous? What’s the difference between an ambition and a dream?
11 Happiness: Are you a happy person? Can money buy happiness? What makes you feel happy? What are the three most important things for you to be happy? Can you be happy if you are poor? What is or was the happiest time of your life?
12 Intelligence: Are you intelligent? Why do you think so? Does study make a person more intelligent Does being very intelligent make you happy? Are some animals more intelligent than humans?
13 13) Healthy Lifestyle: Do you think you have a healthy life style? Is physical activity (jogging, going to a gym) an important part of a healthy life style? What is your attitude toward smoking and what is the damage of alcohol to health? How do you usually cope with stress?
14 Course Review
15 Independent Research
16 Sleep and Dreams: Do you usually remember your dreams? Tell about a recent dream you remember. Do you try to understand the meanings of your dreams? How many hours a night do you sleep? Would you like to get more sleep or less?
17 Socializing: What do you usually do on the weekends and do you have plans for this weekend? What kind of music do you like? Is there any kind of music that you don`t like? What's the last movie you saw? When was the last time you went to a museum?
18 Drugs and Medicine: Which do most people in your country prefer: traditional medicine or modern medicine? What type of treatment would you recommend to a person who has the flu? Do you feel uncomfortable using medicine from a foreign country?
19 The Environment: Do you think recycling is important? Why? When you travel, do you usually drink bottled water? Why or why not? In your opinion, what can Tokyo do to improve its air quality? Tell about one thing you do to help the environment.
20 Secrets: Have you ever revealed someone's secret when you weren't supposed to? If your friend were doing something illegal what would you do? If a friend was talking about suicide would you tell his/her parents?
21 The Paranormal: Have you ever been to a fortune teller? Do you believe in ghosts? Do you have a lucky number? Do you think that some people can predict the future? Has anything ever happened to you that you cannot explain?
22 Rude People: Are you sometimes rude? What acts of rudeness bother you most? Is rudeness a problem in your country? Do cars make people rude? Is it rude to ask someone’s age?
23 Investments: What can you invest in? What are risky investments? Do you trust people with your money? When should people start investing their money?
24 Lies: Why do people lie? Is it OK to tell lies and how often do you lie? Who lies more men or women? Do you feel guilty when you tell a lie?
25 Birthdays: Do you like birthdays? What’s the best birthday present you’ve ever been given? What present would you like for your next birthday? How do you usually celebrate your birthday? What did you do on your last birthday
26 Science: Do you like studying science? What natural disasters occur in your country? Do you think there is life on other planets? In your opinion what has been the most important scientific discovery ever? Why?
27 Restaurants: What is the most unusual food you’ve eaten at a restaurant? What is your favorite restaurant? How often do you eat out?
28 Media: What has been the biggest news in Japan last year? What was the last "good news" story you heard? Why are people so interested in the private lives of celebrities? What's happening in the news right now in Japan?
29 Course Review
30 Independent Research


The class will be centered on communicative activities that consist of listening exercises and conversation drills. A class text will serve as the framework for pair and group work, as well as individual activities. A class journal will be used for writing activities. The instructor will function as a coach to motivate students to develop their oral speaking skills.


Students should review the weekly theme before coming to class.
Approx: 15-20 minutes.


Class journal:15%
No exam. Grading is based on classroom activities.


Jack Richards, Expanding Tactics for Listening, 3rd Edition, Oxford Press, ISBN:978-0-19-410386-4




Class attendance is very important. If you have a family emergency or health problem please let the instructor know.