News English―

担 当 者 単 位 数 配当年次 学 期 曜 日 時 限
P.ブラウン 教授 2 通年 3


This class is designed for Intensive Course students who wish to improve their reading, speaking and listening skills while deepening their knowledge of current affairs. Each week we will read and discuss a recent news story, using articles taken from a variety of English-language newspapers, magazines and websites. In class we will focus on a close reading of the article, ensuring students understand the vocabulary and context. The reading will be followed by a discussion in which students will have the opportunity to express their opinions and show their understanding of the news article.
To supplement the emphasis on reading and speaking, we will occasionally focus on developing listening skills by watching English-language news broadcasts, and performing transcription and other listening-related tasks. Students will also have the opportunity to practice writing through a variety of short writing activities, such as summarizing and J-E translation.


We will focus on recent news stories that cover a variety of topics: society, politics, international relations, the economy, the environment, etc. By the end of the course students should find that they have greatly expanded their English vocabulary, increased their general knowledge, and become more confident speakers and readers, capable of comprehending and discussing current news stories in English.


1 class orientation and self introductions
2 newspapers: an introduction
3 reading 1
4 reading 1: follow-up and discussion
5 reading 2
6 reading 2: follow-up and discussion
7 listening 1
8 reading 3
9 reading 3: follow-up and discussion
10 reading 4
11 reading 4: follow-up and discussion
12 listening 2
13 mini-presentations I
14 review
15 supplementary study
16 reading 5
17 reading 5: follow-up and discussion
18 reading 6
19 reading 6: follow-up and discussion
20 listening 3
21 reading 7
22 reading 7: follow-up and discussion
23 reading 8
24 reading 8: follow-up and discussion
25 listening 4
26 reading 9
27 reading 9: follow-up and discussion
28 mini-presentations II
29 review
30 supplementary study
The above schedule provides a rough outline of the structure of the course. Students will be provided with reading and listening material on a weekly basis.


Students will be provided with regular reading assignments. These assignments will feature an article taken from an authoritative English-language newspaper, news magazine or news website, usually British or American. Each news reading will be covered in two classes. The first class will be based on a reading of the news article, focusing on the language it uses, and the issues involved. The second class will be based on a discussion in which students will be encouraged to express their opinions and show their understanding of the story and its contexts. Students will be expected to complete a set of follow-up tasks for homework, designed to check comprehension, and build a deeper awareness of the news topic. Vocabulary acquisition will be monitored through short tests.
Reading activities will be supplemented by occasional listening activities, to familiarize students with both British and American spoken English. Transcription activities, in which students write down the words heard in the broadcast, will help develop close listening skills.
Occasional translation tasks and short end-of-term presentations will provide additional writing and speaking practice.


Review the class article or broadcast, check vocabulary, and complete follow-up tasks (about 1 hour).


中間テスト:30%(short vocabulary tests)
レポート:30%(translation, transcription and other writing-related tasks)
平常点(クラス参加、グループ作業の成果等):30%(attendance, participation, discussion skills)
mini-presentations:10%(one short presentation each semester)
Regular and punctual attendance is required of all students taking this class.


No textbook required. Readings and worksheets will be provided each week.
Students will need to keep a vocabulary notebook.


Students are encouraged to buy and read an English-language newspaper regularly, and to watch English-language news broadcasts.




This class is open to students who have been selected for the English Intensive Course, either this year or in previous years.