Contemporary Studies―

担 当 者 単 位 数 配当年次 学 期 曜 日 時 限
A.フィッツサイモンズ 教授 4 3~4 通年 2


The course is designed to provide an example of how students can examine a thematic field in order to find a topic for their graduation thesis. This year's course will be based on a survey of contemporary society since the birth of the Internet. Topics will include the background to the development of Social Networks, the role the Internet has played in the transformation of News, Politics, Music, Television, Art, and Cinema. In the second semester we will concentrate on the writing up of research, and much of the course will be taken up with the preparation of students' graduation theses.


The main goal of the course is to prepare students for the writing of their graduation thesis.


1 Introduction to Contemporary Studies
2 The Internet: Beginnings
3 Social Networks
4 The Social Network (David Fincher, 2010)(1)
5 The Social Network (David Fincher, 2010)(2)
6 The Social Network (David Fincher, 2010)(3)
7 News: The Internet Effect
8 Reality TV and Surveillance
9 Hackers and Hacktivism(1)
10 Hackers and Hacktivism(2)
11 Hackers and Hacktivism(3)
12 Wikipedia and Knowledge
13 Student Research: Finding a Topic
14 Student Research: Evaluating Sources
15 Student Research: Thesis Outlines
16 The Internet and Publishing
17 Books and the Digital Age: Google
18 Television and the Internet(1)
19 Television and the Internet(2)
20 Contemporary Art(1)
21 Contemporary Art(2)
22 Contemporary Cinema(1)
23 Contemporary Cinema(2)
24 Student Research: Thesis Writing(1)
25 Student Research: Thesis Writing(2)
26 Student Research: Thesis Writing(3)
27 Student Research: Thesis Writing(4)
28 Student Research: Thesis Writing(5)
29 Student Research: Thesis Writing(6)
30 Student Research: Thesis Writing(7)
The content of each class is provisional and subject to change.


Students will have the opportunity to take part in group discussions and will be expected to complete a number of written worksheet assignments. There will also be a significant emphasis in the second semester on the preparation of students’ Graduation theses, and on students working in groups to help revise and improve each others' written work.


Students will be expected to do background reading at home as part of their preparation for each class, as well as independent research on an aspect of the course of their own choosing.




None. Materials will be handed out in class.

