
担 当 者 単 位 数 配当年次 学 期 曜 日 時 限
D.テイラー 講師 2 3~4 第1学期 3


This course focuses on gaining ability in creative writing. The aim is to begin and develop skills in writing fiction, drama, and poetry. The classes offer a range of creative writing techniques, such as how to create plot, character perspective, and narrative voice. Frequent exercises will help students learn how to write convincing descriptions of character appearance and psychology, and successfully convey scenery, and atmosphere. Several classes give practice in the use of metaphor in creative writing. As such, the course will focus on hugely expanding your vocabulary. Practical abilities, such as the correct appearance and punctuation of fictional dialogue on the page will also be considered, as will close examination of numerous examples from published literature. Students are required to read around and research the examples of prose fiction, drama, and poetry provided in class as textual examples to help them gain a wider understanding of the differences between these forms.


This course aims to introduce and develop a student’s knowledge and ability in the creative writing forms of prose fiction, drama, and poetry. It is also expected that students’ reading skills will improve and that a hugely increased English vocabulary will be gained.


1 Course Introduction I: General definitions of fiction, drama, and poetry: similarities and differences
2 Course Introduction II: Creative writing language specifics
3 Vocabulary for fiction
4 Creating a story
5 Developing a narrative
6 Defining a character’s role and psychology for any story
7 Short story writing
8 Vocabulary for drama
9 Character interaction techniques
10 Writing dialogue for two or more theatrical characters
11 Vocabulary for poetry
12 Poetic metaphor
13 Writing a short poem
14 Course review
15 Supplementary study


Students are required to produce examples of creative writing in class and as homework assignments in relation to the textual examples which have been studied in class. All students are expected to participate actively in the weekly question and answer interactions with the instructor, which are aimed at helping to define fiction, drama, and poetry and also the new vocabulary discussed for creative writing.


Students are expected to prepare for analysis of the weekly texts provided by the instructor by studying the materials privately for between approximately 40 - 60 minutes a week. As much unknown vocabulary as possible in the texts should be checked.


レポート:50%(Students are required to submit an end of semester report that demonstrates familiarity with the creative issues, textual materials and vocabulary examined in the course. )
平常点(クラス参加、グループ作業の成果等):50%(Students are required to participate actively in class, submit short papers throughout the semester, and maintain consistent attendance. Absences must be explained. )


There is no textbook for this course.

