○English CommunicationⅠ
repeaters only―

担 当 者 単 位 数 配当年次 学 期 曜 日 時 限
J.アンダーウッド 講師 2 1 第2学期週2回


The aim of the course is to develop effective communication skills in English with a particular emphasis on listening and speaking. Students will use English to understand and respond to content that is relevant to their university life and subsequent academic work. In small-sized classes, students will engage in communicative tasks such as pair activities and group discussions as well as short speeches and leading group discussions which require preparation and rehearsal in advance.


Development of effective communication skills with a particular emphasis on listening and speaking and the ability to express ideas and opinions in English.


1 Course orientation
Classroom English/Vocabulary Log/Communication Journal
Self-introduction in groups
Discussion: First impression
HW: Write Listening and Discussion LLH
2 Foreign Languages
Discussion: Importance of language learning
HW: Vocabulary Log/Communication Journal/Listening assignment 1
3 STEM Vs. the Humanities
Discussion: Pros and Cons of studying STEM or the Humanities
HW: Vocabulary Log/Communication Journal/Listening assignment 2
4 University Life
Discussion: Benefits of studying at university
HW: Prepare for listening / discussion test 1
5 Listening test 1/Discussion test 1
Listening and Discussion Reflection 1
6 Online Communication
Discussion: Social Networking Services
HW: Vocabulary Log/Communication Journal/Listening assignment 3
7 Dependence on Technology
Discussion: Overreliance on Technology
HW: Vocabulary Log/Communication Journal/Listening assignment 4
8 Technology and Global Challenges
Discussion: Global Problems and Technology
HW: Prepare for listening/discussion test 1
9 Discussion test 2
Discussion Reflection 2
10 Consumerism
Discussion: Overreliance on Shopping
HW: Vocabulary Log/Communication Journal/Listening assignment 5
11 Endangered Species
Discussion: Endangered Species
HW: Vocabulary Log/Communication Journal/Listening assignment 6
12 Energy
Discussion: Alternative sources of energy
HW: Prepare for listening/discussion test
13 Listening test 2/Discussion test 3
Listening and Discussion Reflection 3
14 Review of course
HW: Self-assessment of course progress
15 Couse review and reflection
This schedule is provisional and may change due to the needs and requirements of the students.


Pair work, group and whole class discussions based on the topics in the textbook. In addition to extra reading and listening assignments that extend on the topics in the textbook.


Learning unit vocabulary: (approx. 30 mins.)
Completion of the required reading and vocabulary exercises (approx. 30-40 mins.).
Listening practice and review of textbook material (approx. 30 mins.).


Pair/Group Discussions:30%(Three group discussions facilitated by group leaders on their chosen topics
Feedback will be given in class and online.)
平常点(クラス参加、グループ作業の成果等):30%(On-going assessment of weekly listening and speaking tasks
Feedback will be given in class and online.
Points will be deducted for excessive use of Japanese to talk about things not related to the classroom topic, using your phone for non related tasks, and lates or absences.)
Listening Assessment:20%(Three Listening tests based on textbook units (3 X 5%)
Feedback will be given in class and online. )
Communication Notebook:20%(Combined teacher and self-assessment of Notebook which will be collected four times
Written feedback will be given through comments in the notebook.)
Regular attendance, active participation in class activities, and working on assignments in a timely fashion are essential to the successful completion of this course.


Lo Dico, Shea, Struc Underwood, and Walker, Academically Speaking, Perceptia Press, ISBN:9784939130465
In addition to the textbook it is required that the students purchase an A4 sized notebook of 40 or more pages.


Note: You will not be able to take English Communication II unless you successfully complete this course. You will be required to enroll in English Communication I next semester.