○Academic SkillsⅠ

担 当 者 単 位 数 配当年次 学 期 曜 日 時 限
T.キンケイド 講師 2 1 第1学期週2回


Students will develop their reading and writing skills. To assist in both areas, they will study academic vocabulary and expressions. They will learn and practice different ways of reading, researching, organizing, and writing information and ideas. They will learn how to self edit and peer edit their work. The underlying principle of the course is to help students become more proficient in academic language use. Students will be required to practice these skills in class and on their own.


Development of effective reading skills, expansion of vocabulary and language usage, training in producing a variety of short writing in an academic style, and acquisition of study skills to help students become more proficient in academic language use.


1 Course orientation
Unit 1: Education
Unit 1 Reading
2 Unit 1 Reading
Unit 1 Writing: Paragraphs
3 Unit 1 Writing
Unit 1 Test
Unit 2: Communications
4 Unit 2 Reading
5 Unit 2 Writing: Coherence and unity
6 Unit 2 Test
Unit 3: Global studies
Unit 3 Reading
7 Unit 3 Reading
Unit 3 Writing: Descriptive paragraphs
8 Unit 3 Writing
Unit 3 Test
Unit 5: Psychology
9 Unit 5 Reading
10 Unit 5 Writing: Opinion paragraphs
11 Unit 5 Writing: Opinion essay
Unit 5 Test
12 Unit 5 Writing (First half)
13 Unit 5 Writing (Second half)
14 Unit 5 Writing
Review and reflection
15 Course consolidation: Summing up, independent research
Come to class on time ready to study and actively participate in English.


Textbook activities (reading, vocabulary, grammar, discourse analysis, writing), pair and group work, discussions, paragraph and essay writing


Approximately one hour for each class: Review, study vocabulary, and complete reading and writing homework


Paragraph writing:40%(4 single paragraph writing assignments (4 x 10% each))
Final essay:20%(5-paragraph essay with at least one reference/citation)
Short tests:20%(Tests and quizzes on reading, writing, and vocabulary)
Homework:10%(Homework assignments (including reading tasks))
Participation:10%(Active participation in English during class activities and discussions)
Late assignments will, in principle, not be accepted. Please consult the instructor in person or by email if you anticipate being late for any assignments.
Feedback will be given in class.


J. Bauer, M. B. S. Boyle, S. Stapleton - J. Lambert (Ed.), Final Draft 2, ケンブリッジ大学出版局/Cambridge, 2016, ISBN:9781107495395


ISS Moodle: http://moodle.iss.gakushuin.ac.jp
Grammarly: https://www.grammarly.com
Academic word list: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/lals/resources/academicwordlist/
Purdue Online Writing Lab: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/
Lang-8 language exchange social networking site: http://www.lang-8.com


Students must bring the textbook and their laptop to every class. They should be prepared for each lesson, bringing writing equipment and handouts from previous lessons. In addition to the text and loose-leaf paper, students should prepare a B5 notebook for classwork and homework. They should also prepare a file folder (A4) for handouts and loose papers.
You will not be able to take Academic Skills II unless you successfully complete this course.