Japanese Society―

担 当 者 単 位 数 配当年次 学 期 曜 日 時 限
S.ペイドン 講師 1 1 第2学期 1


In this class, students will learn academic English skills, knowledge, and broad perspectives that are needed to study, examine, discuss, and make effective presentations on various spheres of Japanese society. The students will also learn the ways to gather textual materials in written and spoken English about Japanese society on the Internet, and the processes to put them together to make an academic presentation for social science audiences.


This course will help students develop intermediate abilities to integrate four areas of language study (i.e., reading, writing, listening, and speaking) and to make effective presentations in the fields of social science research. This course will also allow students to understand and examine diverse aspects of Japanese society.


1 Course Orientation
Introduction to Pecha Kucha
2 Pecha Kucha Practice and Preparation
3 Japanese Society: Pecha Kucha Presentations Block A
4 Japanese Society: Pecha Kucha Presentations Block B
5 Japanese Society: Pecha Kucha Presentations Block C
6 Introduction to TED Talks
7 TED: One idea worth sharing
8 Starting with a hypothesis
9 Paraphrasing
10 Metaphor
11 TED Talks Full-dress Rehearsal
12 Issues in Japan: TED Talks Block A
13 Issues in Japan: TED Talks Block B
14 Issues in Japan: TED Talks Block C
15 Course review, feedback, and reflection


Collaborative learning, CLIL, online research, and individual consultation.


There will be a fair amount of homework (e.g., Internet research, reading the materials, and preparing presentation materials) each week. The time required to complete homework and the preparation time each week depends on individuals (minimum of 60 minutes).


Short Presentations:30%(One pecha kucha presentation. Delivery 15% Content 15%
Written feedback will be given for each presentation.)
Class Participation:15%(In class activities, particularly as an audience providing feedback and asking questions.
General feedback will be given in class with examples.)
Presentation Development:15%(On-going assessment of the material preparation and presentation practice.
Feedback will be given in class, or individual consultation.)
Final Presentation:40%(6 to 7-minute TED-style presentation in the final two weeks. Delivery 20% Content 20%
Feedback for each presentation will be sent to each student.)


No textbook is required for this course. Materials will be distributed in class.