Peace and Conflict

担 当 者 単 位 数 配当年次 学 期 曜 日 時 限
L.パリッシュ 講師 1 2 第2学期 4


Beginning with an overview of resolved and unresolved conflicts around the world, the course will progress to the basic language and concepts to aid students to understand international affairs. Students will learn about, analyse, and speak and write about peace and conflicts by looking at specific examples. Students will continue to develop the communication and academic skills they acquired during their first year.


Development of English language skills through acquisition of basic knowledge of international as well as nation-states affairs related to peace and conflict.


1 Orientation, DMIS, Intercultural communication strategies, and Discussion roles
2 Nonviolent communication and small group discussion on Persepolis Reading 1
3 Intercultural communication strategy ODIS and small group discussion on Persepolis Reading 2
4 Intercultural communication strategy SCORE and small group discussion on Persepolis Reading 3
5 Review and Exam 1 on Persepolis and Intercultural communication strategies
6 Change agentry and small group discussion on March Reading 1 pp. 12-35
7 Change agentry and small group discussion on March Reading 2 pp. 36-61
8 Change agentry and small group discussion on March Reading 3 pp. 62-83
9 Change agentry and small group discussion on March Reading 4 pp. 84-103
10 Change agentry and small group discussion on March Reading 5 pp. 104-121
11 Review and Exam 2 on March and Change agentry. Student projects
12 Student projects (First half)
13 Student projects (Second half)
14 Student projects and Summing up
15 Supplementary study
Schedule may change based on class needs.


Teacher will give brief lectures and facilitate student-led discussions and information exchanges on assigned readings and independent research projects.


Assigned readings (approx. 60 min. per week)
Independent research related to Student project (approx. 30 min. per week)


第2学期(学年末試験):20%(Exam 1 - Comprehension test on Persepolis and Intercultural Communication lectures. Test will be returned in class with numerical grades at week 6.)
中間テスト:20%(Exam 2 - Comprehension test on March and Change agentry lectures. Test will be returned with numerical grades at week 12.)
レポート:20%(Student project - Student will research a change agent, organize his or her profile, and report on findings in meaningful information exchanges with peers. Teacher will provide verbal and written feedback at week 14.)
Small Group Discussions:40%(Leading and participating in eight (8) small group discussions. Feedback will be given in class.)


SATRAPI Marjane, Persepolis: The story of a childhood, Pantheon, 2003, ISBN:9780375714573
LEWIS John, AYDIN Andrew, and POWELL, Nate, March, Book One, Top Shelf Productions, 2013, ISBN:9781603093002


Regular attendance, active participation in class activities, and working on assignments in a timely fashion are essential to the successful completion of this course.