Emerging Asian Economy and Society

担 当 者 単 位 数 配当年次 学 期 曜 日 時 限
末廣 昭 教授 2 2 第2学期 1


Emerging Asian countries, including China and India, have become the most important driving forces for the world economy. As a result, many arguments have focused the rapid growth of these countries, but they have hardly touched on increasing social problems. This lecture provides four different pictures of emerging Asian economies: Factory Asia (production networks, regional economic integration etc.), Consumer Asia, Aging Asia, and Exhausted Asia (economic inequalities, stress society). Students are requested to debate each issue in reference to the desirable new role of Japan in this area.


Putting the priority of lecture on creation of the capacity to understand and analyze emerging Asian economies from the viewpoints of four different aspects (Factory Asia, Consumer Asia, Aging Asia and Exhausted Asia). At the same time, students are expected to seek for the solution of social problems facing Asian countries/regions in the present time.


1 Classification of Countries in the World: Definition by IMF and the World Bank
2 Genealogy of Studies on the Emerging Asian Economies
3 How to Explore the Emerging Asia: Four Major Issues
4 Factory Asia 1: IT Industries and Intra-regional Trade
5 Factory Asia 2: Catch-up Industrialization
6 Factory Asia 3: New Technology Paradim
7 Consumer Asia 1: Urbanization and the Rise of Middlle Class
8 Consumer Asia 2: Changes in Consumption Pattern and the Rise of Service Industries
9 Aging Asia 1: Demographic Bonus and Economic Development
10 Aging Asia 2: Aging Society with Declining Total Fertility Ratio
11 Aging Asia 3: Changes in Family Structure in East Asia
12 Exhausted Asia 1: Rising Economic Inequality
13 Exhausted Asia 2: The Hopeless Youth and Society with Increasing Stress
14 New Role of Japan in the Emerging Asian Economies: From An "Advanced Industrial Country" to an "Advanced Issue-Tackled Country"
15 Summary


By employing documents delivered in each lecture, I provide students with basic knowledge, key concepts and important statistical data. Intersting academic papers, reports and statistics, if any, are uploaded in Moodle.


There are two different types of power point based documents. First one is an abstracted version which will be delivered to the students in each lecture, while the other is a full-text version which is uploaded in Moodle. Students are requested to look at these documents in addition to a textbook and references. There will be a fair homework. The time required to complete homework and preparation depend on each individual (around 60 minutes).


第2学期(学年末試験):40%(Two or three questions to ask students to explain the basic concepts relating to emerging Asian economies and society. Students are requested to use key words in answering questions)
小テスト:20%(There are quizzes twice to confirm student's understanding on key concepts.)
平常点(クラス参加、グループ作業の成果等):40%(Regular attendance. If a student arrives to class more than 30 minutes late, he or she will be considered absent in all cases.)
Similar to the case of lecture on Asian Economies in the first-year, regular attendance is important to evaluate student's achievement. Final evaluation is conducted on the basis of combining participation, unit tests (twice) and second-term examination. Comments on examination results will be uploaded on Moodle.


Textbook is a book written in Japanese. Documents and information (English) needed in understanding the topic will be delivered in each lecture.


Suehiro, Akira, Catch-up Industrialization, NUS Press, 2008

