
Together with inorganic semiconductors and strongly correlated oxides,molecular conductors are innovative materials that develop the 21st century technology. Recent discovery of new superconductivity under ultra high pressure, new conducting phenomena and field induced superconductivity under high magnetic fields, and development of molecular electronics have refreshed interest in molecular conductors. This priority area explores new possibilities of molecular conductors using the characteristics of component organic molecules, with particular emphasis on (1) new electronic states under high pressure and high magnetic fields, and (2) new functions of πd-systems, where conduction and magnetism coexist, and of organic devices.

This priority area consists of five research groups, each of which is comprised of core research projects and proposed research projects. Group A01 "Physics under Extreme Conditions" explores new electronic states under ultra high pressure and high magnetic fields, and Group A02 "Hybrid Systems" investigates new functions of πd-systems and organic devices. Group A03 "New Functions" explores new functions based on the systematical investigation of physical properties by changing the materials as a parameter, and Group A04 "New Materials" attempts design and development of new materials aiming at these new functions. Group A05 "Theory" provides theoretical supports to the experimental groups through the interpretation and prediction. Proposed research projects are intended to cover new ideas and the surrounding areas, paticularly supported by new generations, and to extend the research field of this priority area.