Iwata Group, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Gakushuin University
20172018. 1. 7~10 | Iwata and Takaya give invited lectures at 10th Asian Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena (ACUP, Hong Kong, China) |
2018. 1. 3~7 | Iwata gives an invited lecture, Okino presents a poster at 14th Trombay Symposium on Radiation & Photochemistry (TSRP-2018, Mumbai, India). |
2017. 11. 3 - 4 | Okino and Yamada give oral presentations at Gakushuin-NCTU Student Symposium (Hsinchu, Taiwan) |
2017. 10. 31 | Okino wins "Oral Presentation Award" at Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Morecular Science 2017 (Sendai, Miyagi, Japan). |
2017. 10. 4 - 7 | Iwata gives an invited lecture, Kajita, Tokita, and hayashi give oral presentations at International Conference on Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules and Advanced Materials (ICSBAM-2017,Alleppey, India). |
2017. 9. 28 | Prof. Siva Umapathy (Department of Inorganic and
Physical Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science, India) visits
us. <<SEMINAR>> |
2017. 9. 15 - 18 | Iwata gives an invited lecture, Takaya, Okino and Hayashi give oral presentations, Kajita and Tokita present posters at Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Molecular Science 2017 (Sendai, Miyagi, Japan). |
2017. 9. 3 - 6 | Iwata gives an invited lecture at 6th Asian Spectroscopy Conference (ACS6, Shinchu, Taiwan). |
2017. 7. 28 | Risa Hara (University of Tsukuba, Japan) visits us. <<SEMINAR>> |
2017. 7. 26 | Yu Chun-Chieh (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan) visits us. <<SEMINAR>> |
2017. 7. 16 - 21 | Iwata and Takaya gives poster presentations at Time-Resolved Vibrational Spectroscopy (TRVS2017, Cambridge, UK). |
2017. 7. 13 | Jun Nishida (Stanford University) visits us. <<SEMINAR>> |
2017. 6. 27 - 30 | Iwata gives a plenary talk and a tutorial lecture at TISRS/TARS Summer Camp(Chiayi,Taiwan) |
2017. 6. 11 - 16 | Iwata gives an invited lecture at The 9th International Conference on Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy (ICAVS9, Victoria, BC, Canada). |
2017. 6. 2 - 4 | "Dairinko" seminar with the Kohno group and the Saito group. |
2017. 5. 25 | Hayashi wins the Best Young Poster Award at 2017 Annual Meeting of the Spectroscopical Society of Japan (Waseda, Tokyo, Japan). |
2017. 5. 23 - 25 | Okino and Tokita give oral presentations, Yamada, Kajita, and Hayashi give poster presentations at 2017 Annual Meeting of the Spectroscopical Society of Japan (Waseda, Tokyo, Japan). |
2017. 5. 14 | Group Hiking. |
2017. 4. 24 - 26 | Iwata gives an invited lecture at Frontier Bioorganization Forum 2017: Dynamical ordering and integrated functions of biomolecular systems (Taipei, Taiwan). |
2017. 3. 27 - 29 | Iwata gives an invited lecture at The 3rd Symposium on Weak Molecular Interactions (Opole-Groszowice, Poland) |
2017. 3. 20 | Graduation ceremony. |
2017. 3. 16 - 19 | Takaya,Inaoka, Kitamura, Kajita, and Hayashi give oral presentations at 97th Annual Meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan (Kanagawa, Japan). |
2017. 3. 14 - 15 | Iwata gives an invited lecture at International Workshop Present and Future of Ultrafast Spectroscopy (RIKEN, Wako, Japan). |
2017. 3. 6 - 8 | Takaya gives an invited lecture at International Symposium on Ultrafast Dynamics in Molecular and Material Sciences (Institute for Molecular Science, Okazaki, Japan). |
2017. 2. 22 - 24 | Defense of master's thesis and undergraduate studies. |
2017. 2. 3 | Liao Ling-I (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan) visit us. <<SEMINAR>> |
2016. 12. 12 | Prof. Igor lednev (State University of New York - Albany) visits us. <<SEMINAR>> |
2016. 12. 3 | We organize "The 12th Young Scientists Symposium on Advanced Laser Spectroscopy(The Spectroscopical Society of Japan)", "Frontier of Advanced Laser Spectroscopy Supporting Measurements of "Soft Molecular Systems"(The 19th Workshop of "soft Molecular Systems"" (Gakushuin Univ., Japan). Kitamura gives an oral presentation. |
2016. 11. 25 - 28 | "Dairinko" seminar with Kohno group and Saito group. |
2016. 11. 18 | Shogo Toda (Kwansei Gakuin University)
visits us. <<SEMINAR>>. |
2016. 11. 9 | Dr. Ryo Ohtani (Kumamoto University)
visits us. <<SEMINAR>>. |
2016. 11. 8 | Anan and Kitamura win "Spectrochemica ActaA Awards (SSA Award)" at 6th International Conference on Perspectives in Vibrational Spectroscopy (Lucknow, India), and give oral presentations. |
2016. 11. 5 - 8 | Iwata gives a plenary lecture, Anan and Kitamura present posters at 6th International Conference on Perspectives in Vibrational Spectroscopy (Lucknow, India). |
2016. 10. 24 - 25 | Inaoka and Yamada present posters at The 7th Symposium of ionic liquids (Ishikawa, Japan). |
2016. 10. 21 - 22 | Department of Chemistry, Gakushuin Univ. organizes NCTU-Gakushuin 2nd Student Symposium. Anan gives an oral presentation. |
2016. 10. 16 - 18 | Takaya gives an oral presentation at The 12th Japan-China Joint Symposium on Conduction and Photoconduction in Organic Solids and Related Phenomena (Waseda, Tokyo, Japan). |
2016. 10. 10 - 14 | Takaya gives an invited lecture at Energy Materials Nanotechnology Meeting on Ultra Fast 2016 (Melbourne, Australia). |
2016. 9. 13 - 15 | Takaya and Anan give oral presentations, Okino, Kitamura and Yamada present posters at Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Molecular Science 2016 (Hyogo, Japan). |
2016. 8. 14 - 19 | Iwata gives an oral presentation at XXV International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy (ICORS2016, Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil). |
2016. 7. 6 | Dr. Tomomi Koshiyama (Kyushu University)
visits us. <<SEMINAR>>. |
2016. 7. 4 | Selected as an Inside front cover article of "Analyst". |
2016. 6. 28 - 7. 1 | Takaya gives invited lecture and Yamada presents poster at 4th Taiwan International Symposium on Raman Spectroscopy (TISRS 2016) / Taiwan Association of Raman Spectroscopy (TARS) Summer Camp (Taipei, Taiwan). |
2016. 6. 24 | Iwata gives an invited lecture at Symposium on physical chemistry of ionic liquids (Tokyo Tech., Tokyo). |
2016. 6. 13-15 | Takaya gives an invited lecture at 20th East Asian Workshop on Chemical Dynamics (EAWCD20) (Kaohsiung, Taiwan). |
2016. 5. 24-26 | Takaya gives an oral presentation at 2016 Annual Meeting of the Spectroscopical Society of Japan (Osaka Univ., Toyonaka Campus, Osaka, Japan). |
2016. 5. 16-18 | "Dairinko" seminar with the Kohno group and the Saito group. (Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan) |
2016. 5. 8 | Group Hiking. |
2016. 4. 1 | Group starts AY 2016 activities. |
2016. 3. 24-27 | Takaya and Kitamura give oral presentations at 96th Annual Meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan (Kyoto, Japan). |
2016. 3. 20 | Graduation ceremony. |
2016. 2. 29 - 3. 12 | Dr. Manping Ye (China Jiliang University)
visits us. <<SEMINAR>> |
2016. 2. 23-25 | Defense of master's thesis and undergraduate studies. |
2015.12. 15-20 | Iwata organizes a session "Latest Development of Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy (#187)" in PACIFICHEM2015(Honolulu, State of Hawaii, USA). Iwata and Takaya give invited and oral presentations. |
2015.12. 9 | Prof. Hyung Kim (Carnegie Mellon University)
visits us. <<SEMINAR>> |
2015.11. 1-2 | Okino gives an oral presentation at Gakushuin-NCTU 1st student symposium (Hsinchu, Taiwan) |
2015.10.26-27 | Inaoka presents a poster at 6th Annual Meeting on Ionic Liquids (Kyoto, Japan) |
2015.10.14-15 | Iwata gives an invited lecture at First International Symposium of Institute for Catalysis (Sapporo, Japan). |
2015.10. 5- 7 | Kitamura presents a poster at 2nd Meeting for Young Researchers of "Dynamical Ordering of Biomolecular Systems for Creation of Integrated Functions" (Aichi, Japan). |
2015. 9.29-10.2 | Takaya and Iwata give invited lectures, and Anan presents a poster at The 5th Asian Spectroscopy Conference (ASC5, Sydney, Australia). |
2015. 9.27-10. 2 | Iwata gives an invited lecture at SciX2015 (Providence, USA). |
2015. 9.16-19 | Takaya and Okino give oral presentations, Iwata, Aoki, Anan, and Kitamura present posters at Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Molecular Science 2015 (Tokyo, Japan). |
2015. 7.12-17 | Iwata gives an oral presentation at 8th International Conference on Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy 2015 (ICAVS8, Vienna, Austria). |
2015. 6.30- 7. 3 | Iwata gives an invited lecture and Okino presents a poster at 3rd Taiwan International Symposium on Raman Spectroscopy (TISRS, Nantou, Taiwan). |
2015. 6.26-28 | Iwata gives an invited lecture at The 11th Korea-Japan Symposium on Frontier Photoscience (KJFP-2015, Jeju, Korea). |
2015. 6.21-26 | Takaya gives an invited lecture at Time Resolved Vibrational Spectroscopy (TRVS2015, Madison, USA). |
2015. 6. 1-3 | Anan and Inaoka give poster presentations at 2015 Annual Meeting of the Spectroscopical Society of Japan (Tokyo Institute of technology, Tokyo, Japan). |
2015. 4.18 | Group Hiking. |
2015. 4. 6 | Group starts AY 2015 activities. |
2015. 3.26-29 | Takaya and Okino give oral presentations, and Takaya gives an invited lecture in Asian International Symposium at 95th Annual Meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan (Funabashi, Japan). |
2015. 3.21- 5. 3 | Dr.Satyen Saha stays with us (Mar.21-May.3) and gives a seminar (Apr.13). |
2015. 3.20 | Graduation ceremony. |
2015. 3.5-6 | Takaya and Nojima give invited lectures, and Shinohara, Mori and Okino present posters at 2nd Symposium on Weak Molecular Interactions (Tokyo, Japan) |
2015. 3.5-6 | We organize 2nd Symposium on Weak Molecular Interactions at Gakushuin. |
2015. 3.4 | Selected as a cover article of "Analyst". |
2015. 2.18-20 | Defense of master's thesis and undergraduate studies. |
2014. 10.28 | Nojima wins the oral presentation award at Annual Meeting of Japan society for Morecular Science 2014 (Hiroshima, Japan). |
2014. 9.29-10.3 | Takaya gives an invited lecture, Iwata organizes a session at SciX 2014 (Reno USA). |
2014. 9.28 | Nojima gives an invited lecture at 1st workshop for young researchers for "Dynamical Ordering & Integrated Functions"(Miyagi, Japan). |
2014. 9.21-24 | Takaya and Nojima give oral presentations, Shinohara, Takizawa, Mohri, Aoki, and Okino present posters at Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Molecular Science 2014 (Hiroshima, Japan). |
2014. 9.20 | Nojima gives an invited lecture at 5th workshop of "The Function of Soft Molecular Systems" (Hiroshima, Japan). |
2014. 9.12 | Prof. Anunay Samanta (Hyderabad Central University)
visits us. <<SEMINAR>> |
2014. 8.25 | Dr. Junichi Fujisawa visits
us. <<SEMINAR>> |
2014. 8.18-22 | Takaya is invited as a lecturer in the Summer School for Molecular Science. |
2014. 8.11-15 | Takaya and Nojima give oral presentations, and Iwata gives a Plenary Lecture at International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy (ICORS2014) (Jena, Germany). |
2014. 8.10 | Iwata gives an invited lecture at ACS National Meeting (San Francisco, USA). |
2014. 7.17 | Dr. Kiyoshi Yagi visits us. <<SEMINAR>> |
2014. 7.8-12 | Takaya gives an invited lecture at International Conference on Perspectives in Vibrational Spectroscopy. |
2014. 6.23 | Nojima wins the Best Oral Award at the 10th Korea-Japan Symposium on Frontier Photoscience (KJFP-2014, Seoul, Korea). |
2014. 6.21-23 | Iwata gives an invited lecture, Nojima gives a student oral presentation, Aoki and Okino give poster presentations at the 10th Korea-Japan Symposium on Frontier Photoscience (KJFP-2014, Seoul, Korea). |
2014. 6.17 | Iwata gives a lecture at the Ionic Liquid Research Association Symposium (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan). |
2014. 5.26 | Takaya wins an award of the Spectroscopic Society of Japan at 2014 Annual Meeting of the Spectroscopical Society of Japan (RIKEN, Wako, Japan). |
2014. 5.26-28 | Shinohara gives an oral presentation, Takizawa, Mohri, and Okino give poster presentations at 2014 Annual Meeting of the Spectroscopical Society of Japan (RIKEN, Wako, Japan). |
2014. 4.27 | Hiking to Mt.Ohgiyama and Mt.Momokurayama. (PICTURES) |
2014. 4.4 | Group starts AY 2014 activities. |
2014. 3.31 | Dr. Ashok Zachariah Samuel leaves the group. |
2014. 3.20 | Graduation ceremony. |
2014. 3.15-16 | Ski in Niigata. (PICTURES) |
2014. 2.19-21 | Defense of master's thesis and undergraduate studies. |
2014. 1.9 | Nojima wins the Best Poster Award at the 12th Trombay Symposium on Radiation and Photochemistry (TSRP-2014, Mumbai, India) |
2014. 1.6-9 | Iwata and Takaya give invited lectures, Nojima presents a poster at the 12th Trombay Symposium on Radiation and Photochemistry (TSRP-2014, Mumbai, India) |
2013. 11.25-27 | Iwata gives invited lecture at the 9th Korea-Japan Symposium on Frontier Photoscience (KJFP-2013,Seoul,Korea). |
2013. 11.21 | Nojima wins the Best Young Presentation Award at 2013 Annual Meeting of the Spectroscopical Society of Japan (Osaka University, Toyonaka campas, Japan). |
2013. 11.19-21 | Takaya and Nojima give oral presentations at 2013 Annual Meeting of the Spectroscopical Society of Japan (Osaka University, Toyonaka campas, Japan). |
2013. 10.1-5 | Iwata and Ashok give oral presentations at SCIX 2013 at Milwaukee, USA. |
2013. 9.24-27 | Takaya, Ashok, and Nojima give oral presentations and Sato, Uwabo and Shinohara present posters at Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Molecular Science 2013 at Kyoto. |
2013. 8.31 | We host Mejiro One-day Symposium on Advanced Spectroscopy- Structure and Dynamics (MOS Advanced Spectroscopy) at Gakushuin U. Takaya and Nojima give invited lectures. |
2013. 8.25-30 | Iwata presents plenary lecture at Seventh International Conference on Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy (ICAVS-7) at Kobe . Takaya and Ashok make oral presentations. Nojima and Sato present posters. |
2013. 7.21-26 | Iwata give an oral presentation, Shinohara and Arii present posters at International Conference on Photochemistry (ICP 2013) at Leuven, Belgium. |
2013. 7.10-10.8 | Prof. Shi (China Jiliang University) stays with us.
2013. 7.3-7.7 | Iwata give invited lectures at The First Taiwan International Symposium on Raman Spectroscopy and Taiwan Association of Raman Spectroscopy Summer Camp. |
2013. 6.24 | Prof. Edward Castner (Rutgers University) visits us.
2013. 5.27 | Dr. Cather Simpson (Photon Factory, University of
Auckland) visits us.
2013. 5.19-24 | Iwata and Takaya give oral presentations at TRVS 2013. |
2013.4.27 | Mount Takao. (PICTURES) |
2013. 4. 3 | Group starts AY 2013 activities. |
2013. 3.26 | Prof. Yoonsoo Pang (School of Physics and Chemistry
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology) visited us.
2013. 3.22-25 | Arii, Nojima and Takaya give oral presentations at 93nd Annual Meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan (Ritsumeikan university, Biwako-Kusatsu campas, Japan). |
2013. 3.20 | Graduation ceremony. |
2013. 3. 9-20 | Mr. Khokan Roy (Department of Inorganic and Physical
Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science, India) visits
us. <<SEMINAR>> |
2013. 3. 5-6 | Iwata co-organizes International Symposium on Weak Molecular Interactions (Pecs, Hungary) with Prof. Kunsagi-Mate. |
2013. 2. 20-22 | Defense of master's thesis and undergraduate studies. |
2013. 2. 1 | Dr. Ashok Zachariah Samuel joins in the group. |
2012.12.7-8 | Uwabo presents a poster at the 3rd Meeting on Ionic liquid(Naha, Japan). |
2012.11.26-12.9 | Dr. Satyen Saha (Department Chemistry, Banaras hindu
university, India) visits
us. <<SEMINAR>> |
2012.11.27-29 | Takaya makes oral presentations at 2012 Annual Meeting of the Spectroscopical Society of Japan (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ookayama campas, Japan). |
2012.11.13 | Iwata presents an invited lecture at the SPEC 2012 (Chiang Mai, Thailand). |
2012.10.31 | Bhawana Singh leaves the group. |
2012.10.28 | Ueno zoo. (PICTURES) |
2012. 10.12 | Dr. Hajime Okajima (School of Science, The
University of Tokyo, Japan) visited us.
2011. 9. 24-26 | Nojima presents a poster at the Second Meeting on Soft Matter (Kyushu university, Nishijin Plaza, Japan). |
2012. 9.18-21 | Nojima, Sugano, Bhawana and Takaya make oral presentations at Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Molecular Science 2012(Tokyo university, Hongo campas, Japan). Uwabo and Iwata present posters. |
2012. 9.12 | Prof. Sandor Kunsagi-Mate and Dr. Zs. Czibulya (Pecs
University, Hungary) visit us.
2012. 8.12-17 | Iwata presents an invited lecture at 23rd International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy (Bangalore, India). Takaya makes oral presentations. Nojima and Uwabo present posters. (PICTURES) |
2011. 6.18 | Dr. Bhawana Singh joins in the group. |
2011. 6.13 | Dr. Motohiro Banno (School of Science, Tokyo
University of Science, Japan) visited us.
2012. 6. 6- 8 | Takaya makes oral presentations at 28th Symposium on Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics (Kyushu university, Chikushi campas, Japan). |
2012. 4.11 | Mr. Koutarou Hiramatsu (School of Science, The
University of Tokyo, Japan) visited us.
2012. 4. 9 | Group starts AY 2012 activities. |
2012. 3.25-28 | Sugano and Takaya presents at 92nd Annual Meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan (Keio university, Hiyoshi and Yagami campas, Japan). |
2012. 3.20 | Graduation ceremony. |
2012. 3.19 | Prof. Siva Umapathy (Department of Inorganic and
Physical Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science, India) visits
us. <<SEMINAR>> |
2012. 3. 7 | Dr. Isao Noda (The Procter & Gamble Company)
visits us.
2012. 2. 22-24 | Defense of master's thesis and undergraduate studies. |
2012. 2.12-15 | Takaya presents an invited lecture at the 7th ACUP (Asian Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, Busan, Korea). |
2012. 1.16 | Mr. Masanari Okuno (School of Science, The
University of Tokyo, Japan) visits us.
2012. 1. 9 | Shimojo and Nojima presents lectures at 5th India-Japan Student Symposium (Bangalore, India). |
2012. 1. 7 | Nojima wins the Best Poster Award at Trombay Symposium on Radiation and Photochemistry 2012 (Mumbai, India). |
2012. 1.4-6 | Iwata presents an invited lecture, Shimojo and Nojima presents posters at Trombay Symposium on Radiation and Photochemistry 2012 (Mumbai, India). |
2011.12.17 | Nojima presents an invited lecture at The 7th Young Researchers' Symposium on Frontier Laser Spectroscopy (Yokohama City University, Yokohama, Japan). |
2011.11.30-12. 2 | Takaya presents a poster at 2011 Annual Meeting of the Spectroscopical Society of Japan (RIKEN, Yokohama, Japan). |
2011.11.22 | Iwata presents an keynote lecture at 9th Australasian Conference on Vibrational Spectroscopy (ACOVS9, Wellington, New Zealand). |
2011. 10.31 | Dr. Rintaro Shimada (School of Science, The
University of Tokyo, Japan) visits us.
2011.10.29 | Iwata presents an invited lecture at the 8th KJFP (Korea-Japan Symposium on Frontier Photoscience, Seoul, Korea). |
2011. 10.14 | Prof. Keith Gordon (Department of Chemistry,
University of Otago, New Zealand) visits us.
2011.10. 3 | Iwata presents an invited lecture at the 38th FACSS (The Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies, Reno, NV). |
2011. 9.20-23 | Nojima, Shimojo, and Takaya make oral presentations at Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Molecular Science 2011(Sapporo, Japan). Kato, Sugano, and Iwata presents posters. |
2011. 9. 5-8 | Iwata presents an invited lecture at the 14th Asian Chemistry Congress (Bangkok, Thailand). |
2011. 8. 7-12 | Nojima, Kato, and Sugano presents posters at the XXVth International Conference on Photochemistry (Beijing, China). |
2011. 8. 3-5 | Nojima presents a poster at the First Meeting on Soft Matter (Kyoto, Japan). |
2011. 6. 5 | Hiking to Mt. Izugatake. (PICTURES) |
2011. 4. 5 | Group starts AY 2011 activities. |
2010. 2. 5 | 2010. 3.10.Thu. @ Gakushuin Univ. Meeting on Ionic Liquid H22 is held. Program ![]() Access to Mejiro Campus Map |
2010. 9.27 | 2010.10. 2.Sat. The 6th Young Researchers' Symposium on Frontier Laser Spectroscopy is held at Gakushuin University. The Spectroscopical Society of Japan (SPSJ) http://www.bunkou.or.jp/english/index.html |
2010. 10.1 | Prof. Siva Umapathy (Department of Inorganic and
Physical Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science, India) visits
us. <<SEMINAR>> |
2010. 6.17 | Dr. Shinsuke Shigeto (Department of Applied
Chemistry, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan) visits us.
2010. 6.10 | Dr. Anunay Samanta (Department of Chemistry,
University of Hyderabad, India) visits us.