‡LˆÀ•”´Æ(2012D3)u“ŒƒAƒWƒAŒ¾Œêi“ú–{ŒêE’†‘ŒêE’©‘NŒêj‚Ì“ì–k•ûŒ¾‚̉¹‰C‘Ήž‚©‚焒肳‚ꂽ‹IŒ³‘O1–œ”N‘O‚ÌwŒÄ‹C—ʕω»xiŒûo•@o—¬o—ʔ䗦•Ï‰»j‚Æ‚»‚Ì—vˆö‚ɂ‚¢‚ÄvŠwK‰@‘åŠwl•¶‰ÈŠwŒ¤‹†Šwl•¶x10App.7|39AR¸‚ ‚è@
Title:On the Change of the Ratio of Expiratory Volume in the Oral and Nasal Cavities, Caused by gCold Accliminationh, As a Factor of Phonological Sound Correspondence in North-South Differences between East Asian Dialects.
Abstract: This paper shows that gthe change of ratio of expiratory volume in the oral and nasalh is a factor of Phonological Sound Correspondence in North-South Differences between East Asian Dialects.
It can presume that the change of the Ratio of Expiratory Volume in the Oral and Nasal , that have arose in East Asian Dialects in about 10,000 years before B.C., from a viewpoint of Phonological Sound Correspondence in North-South Differences. We found out that gthe cold acclimation" was a factor in the change of the ratio. Since gcold acclimation", decreased expiration passing through the nasal cavity, and increased expiration passing through the mouth on one side, the pronunciation changed in Northern dialects. This change in pronunciation produced the Phonological Sound Correspondence between North and South dialects in East Asian .
yKeywords: cold acclimation, expiratory volume, The ratio of expiratory volume in the oral and nasal, North-South differences in East Asian Dialects, A Factor of Phonological Sound Correspondence in East Asia, z
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