Moving Around:
People, Things and Practices in Consumer Culture
4-6 September 2014, Gakushuin University, Tokyo
Day 1 Thursday
04 September 2014
10:00-10:45 Registration, tea/coffee
10:45-11:00 Welcome speech
11:00-12:00 Keynote lecture 1 Toshio Kusamitsu Professor in Humanities and Culture, Open University of Japan Travels, the Enlightenment and Races
12:00-13:00 Lunch
Session 1 (chaired by Takeshi Yuzawa)
Mobilising Consumption
Anne Conchon Transportation and Consumption in the 18th-Century France
Hiroki Shin Mobility under Pressure: Civilian rail traffic in Britain during WWII
Irina Kantarbaeva-Bill Bridging Eurasia and the New World: Slave trade on the Silk Road
Yuto Ishibashi Reliable Observatory Time and the Circulation of knowledge at Victorian Greenwich
15:00-15:15 Tea/coffee
15:15-16:45 Session 2 (chaired by Kentaro Saito) Crossing the Time
Miki Sugiura Between Material Affluence and Share: Consumer culture in 18th century Cape Town
Helen S.E. Parker Moving around and Moving with the Times: Kabuki and its consumer culture
Shinobu Majima Voyage, Vanity and Vestiture
16:45-17:00 Tea/coffee
17:00-18:00 Keynote lecture 2 (chaired by Hiroki Shin) Frank Trentmann Professor of History, School of History, Classics, and Archaeology, Birkbeck College, University of London Moving Paradoxes: Materials, people and ethnics in a world in flux
Day 2 Friday
05 September 2014
08:45-09:00 Registration, tea/coffee
09:00-11:00 Session 3 (chaired by Minoru Yasumoto) Flows of Commodification
Perry Johansson
On the Value of Cultural Heritage in Republican China
Christiane Ruehle "The Dynamics in Lifestyle-Representations in Japanese Marketing Campaigns: A casestudy of Mujirushi Ryôhin
Yasuko Suga Plants and Japonisme in Modernism: a British experience
11:00-11:15 Tea/coffee
11:15-12:45 Session 4 (chaired by Takeshi Nagashima) Tasting and Tastes in Motion
Hiroyasu Kimizuka Wine Consumption in the 18th century’s Brittany
Chuanfei Wang Wine Consumption in Contemporary Japan and China: the changing global wine world
12:45-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 Session 5 (chaired by Chikashi Sakashita) Spectators, Aesthetes and Consumers
Yusuke Tanaka A Portrait of the Travelling Aesthete: Okakura Kakuzo and the politics of oriental art
Kaz Oishi Keats, Pre-Raphaelites, and Japanese Aesthetes in the Age of Consumerism
15:30-15:45 Tea/coffee
15:45-17:15 Session 6 (chaired by Asako Nakai) Moving Emotions
Megumi Arai
Travel and Comic Writing: Jerome K. Jerome’s 'Three Men in a Boat'
Ai Sugimura Re-reading ‘The Professor’ from a consumer culture perspective
Michael Furmanovsky Ginza Shopping: Middle-class Japanese women’s consumption of ready-made western clothing in Naruse Mikio’s “Wife, be like a Rose” (1935) and “Learn from Experience I & II” (1937)
17:15-17:30 Tea/coffee
17:30-18:30 Keynote lecture 3 (chaired by Yasuko Suga) Erika Rappaport Associate Professor, Department of History, University od California, Santa Barbara "Tea Revives the World": Advertising and the global production of the tea drinkers during the Great Depression
18:30-20:30 Conference dinner
Day 3 Saturday
06 September 2014
9:30-11:00 Session 7 (chaired by Tadashi Nakano) Tensions of Locale
Haruki Inagaki Policing the Market: metropolitan ideas and local contexts in police reform in early nineteenth century Bombay city
Toshihiko Iwama Debates, Social Tensions and Consumption in the Urban Community: Debating societies in Birmingham, c.1850-c.1890
Robert Crawford Selling Advertising: The flow of ideas, work, and staff in advertising agencies in the 1960s-1980s
11:00-11:15 Closing Announcement and Depart for Optional Tour

Lunch in Kamakura Engakuji Temple Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine The Great Buddha at Kotoku-in Temple Hasekannon at Hasedera Temple Dinner in Yokohama China Town
Updated: 2020-08-17