Genealogies of Curiosity and Material Desire:
How has consumer taste been constructed?
26-28 March 2012, Gakushuin University, Tokyo
Day 1 Monday
26 March 2012
***All sessions will be held in the International Conference Room.***
10:00-10:45 Registration, coffee
10:45-11:00 Welcome speech
11:00-12:00 Keynote lecture 1 Toshio KUSAMITSU, Professor in Humanities and Culture, Open University of Japan ‘Consuming Plants: Botany and Consumer Society’
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-15:00 Session 1 Taste and Economy
Yasuko SUGA, Tsuda College ‘Green Debates on “Industrial Conservatory”: Great Exhibition and its influence on the consumer culture of plants
Amy OGATA, Bard Graduate Center: Decorative Arts, Design History and Material Culture ‘Consuming Creativity and Constructing Childhood in Postwar America’
Olga KHOMENKO, Kyiv Mohyla Academy National University, and School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London ‘Consuming new identity and new look: cosmetics advertisement and women in post-war Japan’
Megumi ARAI, Chuo University ‘Class and Leisure: The English Seaside Holiday’
15:00-15:30 Tea break
15:30-17:00 Session 2 (Chaired by Kazuhiko Kondo) Beyond the Rational Consumer
Hiroki SHIN, University of York ‘Saving with Excitement? The Premium Bond and Consuming Savers in Post-War Britain’
Satomi OHASHI, Senshu University ‘Auctioneers Are Everywhere: Auctioneers’ Place in Eighteenth Century Britain’
Eve ROSENHAFT, University of Liverpool ‘Intangible Commodities in Virtual Shop-windows: Investment as Shopping in the 18th Century’
17:30-18:30 Keynote lecture 2 (Chaired by Shinobu Majima) Avner OFFER, Chichele Professor of Economics History, All Souls College, Oxford ‘Consumption and Well-being'
18:30-21:00 Welcome party
Day 2 Tuesday
27 March 2012
***All sessions will be held at the International Conference Room.***
9:30-11:00 Session 3 (Chaired by Professor Takeshi Yuzawa) Consumption and Fetishism
Ichiro SUGIMOTO, Soka University ‘Methodology for Deriving the Private Final Consumption Expenditure Series of Singapore, 1900-1939’
Ebru YETISKIN, Istanbul Technical University ‘“Open” or “Closed”, That is Not The Question: Neocolonialist Social Change of Turkey by Dyssymmetrical Communication’
Shinobu MAJIMA, Gakushuin University ‘British Fashion and the World Market: when did France take over?’
11:00-11:15 Coffee break
11:15-12:15 Keynote lecture 3 (Chaired by Toshio Kusamitsu) John STYLES, Research Professor in History, University of Hertfordshire ‘Asian Textiles and European Fashion, 1400-1800'
12:15-13:30 Lunch
13:30-15:00 Session 4 (Chaired by Professor Chikashi Sakashita) Consumption and Improvement
Edwin PICKSTONE, Glasgow School of Art ‘Retro Government, Retro Clothes’
Mayuka SATO, Reitaku University ‘Buying and Selling Politics: Bazaars in the women’s suffrage movement’
Yusuke TANAKA, Seijyo University ‘Reconsidering the Fabian Concepts of “Efficiency” and “Consumption”’
15:00-15:15 Tea break
15:15-16:45 Session 5 (Chaired by Professor Yoshitaka Suzuki) Borders of Consumption
Carlo Marco BELFANTI, University of Brescia ‘Renaissance and Made in Italy'
Chiaki YOKOYAMA, Keio University ‘Art for City Making: Its Role in Creative Economy’
Kaz OISHI, Nagoya University ‘Sentiment, Consumerism, and the Culture of Giving in Eighteenth-Century Britain’
16:45-17:00 Tea break
17:00-18:00 Keynote lecture 4 (Chaired by Satomi Ohashi) John BREWER, Eli and Edye Broad Professor of Humanities and Social Sciences, California Institute of Technology ‘The lure of the South: a case study in the history of tourism and consumer desire’
18:30-21:00 Conference dinner
Day 3 Wednesday
28 March 2012
***Parallel sessions 1 and 2 will be held in Economics meeting rooms.***
9:30-11:00 New researchers’ session 1   (Meeting Room 2)
Hiroko SUZUKI, University of Tokyo ‘Chippendale’s Chinoiserie: Carving and Fretwork, and Japanning’
Bláithín HURLEY, University of Cambridge ‘Music and the Construction of Consumer Taste and Desire in Renaissance Venice’
May ROSENTHAL SLOAN, University of Glasgow ‘A Case of Tastiness?’
9:30-11:00 New researchers’ session 2   (Chaired by Professor Hiromi Ochi)   (Meeting Room 3)
Stephanie AMERIAN, University of California Los Angeles ‘Consuming to Rebuild Europe: Department Stores and the Marshall Plan’
Georgina GAJEWSKI, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ‘Excellent Specimens on Display: Artists' Self-Promotion and Global Influences on the Carolina Backcountry, 1790-1830’
Joseph MALHEREK, George Washington University ‘Transatlantic Tastemakers: Europeans’ Influence on “Progress Engineering” in Postwar America’
11:00-12:00 Closing Speech and Depart for Optional Tour

Picnic lunch in The Hamarikyu Imperial Garden Sumidagawa boat trip to Ryogoku Edo-Tokyo History Museum Asakusa Sensoji Temple Dinner
Updated: 2020-08-17